I was sick yesterday. Really sick. At one point I could not find the strength to even crawl off of the bathroom floor. I had Noah bring me the phone and I called Joe for help. He came in early from work and took over for me.
He took one look at me retching my guts out, closed the bathroom door and did not come back in! I guess gone are the days of him sitting beside me wanting to hold back my hair. Anyway, I could hear through the baby monitor that Joe was dressing the boys and he took them outside to cut wood with him. I think I passed out because when I came back around it was to the sounds of Joe trying to get supper (raisin toast) for the boys.
I never knew raisin toast could be so hard to prepare. There was whining from three hungry cold little boys and yelling from my hubby. GET OFF THE TABLE! GET OUT OF THE CABINETS! STOP WHINING AND GO SIT DOWN! IT WILL BE READY WHEN I SAY IT IS READY! THERE IS BUTTER ON YOUR TOAST, NOW SIT DOWN AND EAT IT! NOAH WHERE DOES YOUR MOM KEEP THE BAND AIDS? I'm not really sure how one cuts himself while preparing raisin toast, but Jonah came running into my room screeching that Daddy cut his fingers off. I laid there and wept as I heard my family unraveling at the seams.
Pretty soon I could tell that they must have been fed and were feeling better as I could hear happy sounds through the monitor with old Dukes of Hazzard reruns in the background. What I heard next brought tears afresh. I heard my husband speak to each of the boys, apologize for his earlier behavior, and ask for their forgiveness.
Joe may not parent exactly the way that I do, but essentially he does what any good parent should. He adapts to the circumstances life throws at him. Sure he makes mistakes, but he recognizes and corrects them as soon as possible.
So he doesn't hold back my hair anymore, but he takes good care of our babies. All in all I still think I got a great catch. What a man!
For those of you keeping track (MOM) I realize that this is twice within the same week that I have been violently sick to my stomach, but to my knowledge baby number four is NOT on the way...................yet.
Joe is a good guy and I'm glad he is there to take care of y'all! (Don't tell him I said that, I will deny every word. Don't want him thinking I like him or anything!) Hope you are feeling better now!
Aww. So sweet. We can have a race--who gets to #4 first....hahaha.
Go ahead and get started Melissa...I'll catch up later!
I'm still undecided....my mind changes every day.
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