Friday, November 26, 2010

Catching Flies

This post is not meant to be disrespectful in any way but rather honest and from my heart.  Those of you who know the family that I married into will completely understand where I am coming from.

Today is Thanksgiving with Joe's side of the family.  I am not excited about going.  I have never been a favorite of my Mother-in-law.  In fact I am pretty sure I am as far away from being a favorite as one can possibly get.  I learned quickly upon joining this family that I had to stand up for myself and fight back or I would get trampled and my marriage would suffer.  So I did what I had to do.  I fought meanness with meanness and spite with spite.  I showed her just how much vinegar I had in me and today my marriage is fine, but my relationship with my Mother-in-law is not.

The Lord has been dealing with me on this issue for quite a while now and I have been trying to ignore that pricking of my conscience.  The pricking is starting to bleed and I can no longer ignore it.  My children are beginning to suffer because of my poor relationship with their Mama and I am the one who needs to step up and change things.

So starting today, there will be no more vinegar from me.  I am sure tears will fall before the day is over and my feelings will be trampled on, but with God's help I can do this.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.  Proverbs 16:24

Please pray for me today and as the days continue.  Keep me accountable for the words that I say to and about my Mother-in-law.  I have never liked the taste of honey, but I have a feeling it is going to be on my lips quite often in the future. I don't think we will ever get to the relationship of Ruth and Naomi, but developing a love for the woman who gave me my husband is something I know I can accomplish.

1 comment:

Holly and Tj said...

i hope that one day you will have a relationship with your mother in law like i have with mine! I have the best MOM in the world! Love you and will be praying for ya!