So six months ago we entered the world of chicken farming (much to my dismay) with five chickens. Soon the boys were gathering eggs every day and I was getting used to the squawking going on in my back yard. The birds turned out to be an adventure for us all. Jonah learned when NOT to put his hand in the nest, and I learned that snakes like to eat eggs.
We did not have any luck hatching out eggs, so our neighbor gave us her biddies to raise. That turned into a we decided that we would just keep gathering our eggs for our own consumption and be satisfied with the five little chickens we had.
Today when Joe went out to take care of the chickens, he found that something had killed all five of them. He thinks it was another snake. I think I am ready to move.
I didn't know snakes killed chickens. Do they strangle them? You'd think the chicken would peck away at the snake? Maybe now that the chickens are gone, the snakes will leave?
Okay, so I was telling this story at a wedding, and was told how to solve this porcelain eggs and put them out. The snake will eat the porcelain egg, but then not be able to crush it or digest it, and then the snake will die.
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