Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Minivan Momma

This is what I now drive...not this one exactly...but one nearly like it.  Except a different color, and a different year model, and mine does not have tinted windows.

I would post a picture of the real thing except that I don't have the energy to go outside just for a stinkin picture.  My doctor says that I have Mono...I think that someone has tied invisible weights to every appendage I have.  As if carrying my weight plus sixty pounds of children around was not enough.

Back to the minivan.  I balked at the idea of a minivan for a LONG time.  I was convinced that I wanted another Expedition exactly like the one that I already had, just with about 300,000 less miles on it.  Alas, it was not to be.  The kids and Joe (yes I said Joe) fell in love with this minivan.  I have to admit, after driving it for a week, I am falling in love as well.  It is so much easier to get everyone all buckled in and we actually have a lot more room to move around.  The best part...it still has enough seating left for two more kids!

...After the mono passes...and I convince Joe....

1 comment:

grammyjoan said...

Just think of the money you will be saving on gas driving this!