Friday, March 19, 2010

Bad Words

Bad words are not allowed in my house. Ever.
Today as Noah and Jonah were gathering eggs from the chicken pen, (and I stood safely behind the locked gate) they could not get Beulah to come out of her laying box. I told them to leave her alone and they could come back out later to see if she was out and had left them an egg. Jonah of course listened as well as he usually does and shoved his hand right in Beulah's little nest. Beulah of course pecked his little fingers. I of course made him walk all the way across the chicken yard and out of the gate to where I was standing before I could comfort him. When he stopped crying he used his cute little two year old vocabulary to tell me what happened.
Her bit me! Her bit me right der on mine fingers! Her a... her a... her a BAD WORD!!
He continued on for quite a while but after hearing him call the chicken "a bad word" all I could do was laugh. I think Jonah is going to keep me entertained just as much as Noah has over the years!


grammyjoan said...

That is so funny, you are teaching them well. I guess Beulah is not going to be Jonah's favorite any more.

Melissa said...

you make me laugh. and so do your kids.