Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is not what I wanted to see on my back steps this morning. I guess the snake season has officially begun.
Anna had been sitting on six eggs for a couple of weeks and this week something ate all six of them. Hopefully this was the culprit and we are not still looking for another snake! I guess I will have to wait and see if any more eggs disappear.


grammyjoan said...

Be still my heart!!!!! I think we can think of enough things for the boys to do spending the summer inside! I'll probably dream about snakes tonight!

Melissa said...

Denise, I don't know how you do it!!!
Did you shoot it? Is that a bullet hole I see?

Denise said...

Ha Melissa! Yes, that is a bullet hole you see. No, I did not shoot it. I was standing far far away screaming for joe to shoot it again because it kept moving. (thus the several bullet holes!)

butterbean_girl said...

Yucky! We had a black snake under the carport a few weeks ago and CJ is the one who found it! Scaaaaaarrreeed me!