Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

It would be nice to write about what a pampered, rested Mother's Day that I had. Instead my day was filled to the brim with just being a Mother. Joe had to work today, so I got to spend my Mother's Day celebrating with the precious little boys that gave me that title. There were cute moments, as they badly wanted to give me a "Happy Day", but there were also the "I can't believe that just happened" moments as well.

To start with Jonah took one look as I was getting ready for church and informed me that my skirt made me look like a Grammy. Then I taught Sunday School with Micah sitting on my lap because he wanted nothing to do with anyone else. During children's church, Jonah ran up and down the aisle playing duck, duck, goose with the pews. After church Noah asked me where children without a Mommy lived. I explained about orphanages and he said, "When I live in an orphanage I am going to make Mother's Day cards for my teachers." Not if, but when!

I look back on the day and think it was pretty good. I mean Jonah loves his Grammy and so looking like one is probably a compliment in his eyes. Sure it was hard to teach Sunday School with Micah on my lap, but what greater joy than to know that your child gets comfort from you more than anyone else. It was not my finest moment when I had to chase Jonah down in church, but at least I had the option of taking my children to church this morning. In many parts of the world, Mothers do not have that right. Hopefully Noah will never have to live in an orphanage, but I am thankful that God has given me a compassionate child that not only cares about children with no Mothers but also Mothers with no children of their own.

So yes, it would have been nice to have a "ME" day. But I think that it was even better to have a "MOM" day. The best part is that I get to have one tomorrow as well!

1 comment:

grammyjoan said...

I am so glad you are a strong enough woman and secure in you position in life that you didn't end your day slinging things and in tears. You are a dedicated Mommy and am proud of you and I love you for it as do your boys.
I hope this is going to be a better week as a result of your day.