Since our anniversary was this week, I decided to pull out some of our wedding photos and look though them with the boys. They always want to know why they are not in any of the pictures! Jonah was doing a pretty good job of recognizing people until we got to this picture...
Me: Who is that? (Pointing to Joe)
Jonah: My Daddy
Me: And who is that? (Pointing to myself)
Jonah: Ummmmm....JESUS!
My children certainly do think of me with high regards!
I wonder if it is because of the white dress? Jesus seems to wear a white robe in most pictures. L has a white ruffly shirt that she calls her "Jesus shirt", and that is the only thing I can figure anyway.
Love the Jesus shirt!
I think it is because I am in all white. One night when we were in the ER, Jonah saw an elderly black lady sitting in a chair covered up to her neck with a white blanket. He proclaimed loudly "Look Mom, it is an angel!" I was sooo embarrassed, but she seemed to take it as a compliment!
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