Saturday, April 10, 2010

I've Joined The Bandwagon

The cloth diapering bandwagon, that is. I said I would never do it, but I am learning more and more that you should never say never. With all of Jonah's issues we were spending over $25 per week just to keep the younger ones in diapers. I an NOT a fan of poop, but I decided to try the cloth just to see if it would work for us and ended up loving it! I wish I had done this way back when I had Noah in diapers. We have been going strong with cloth for nearly a month now and I have to say that it is so much easier than I anticipated.

Cloth diapers today are NOTHING like the ones that my parents used on me. I could go into detail, but my friend Melissa has done such a good job of explaining it on her blog, that I will direct you to her posts here if you are interested. They are actually so easy that even Joe is using them. (On the children of course, not on himself!)

The number one reason that I switched to cloth diapers was cost. In just three months, I will have "broken even" with my up front costs of cloth diapering by just not having to buy disposables. Add to that the fact that we will be cancelling our trash service this month since the only reason we were using it was for diapers as everything else is either recycled, composted, or goes to the rabbit, chickens, or dog. I will also be saving on disposable wipes since I have switched to cloth wipes. In total I figure we will save over $1,000 in one year.

I still don't like poop, but I love saving money! And how can you complain about the poop when they look so cute in those little cloth diapers?


grammyjoan said...

They are so cute and you are doing a great job with keeping up with them.

Melissa said...

They are so cute in cloth! On the rare occasion I put G in a disposable though, he feels so skinny! LOL So glad it is working out for you!