Sunday, April 11, 2010

Apple Pear Combo


Those of you who thought that my "growing old" post was too much information, please stop reading now.


I have never been one of those women who can look at a body type chart and fit themselves into any certain category. You know the ones I am talking about. You see them in nearly every fashion magazine. You are supposed to choose which body type best describes you and follow the tips to accentuate your positive assets and hide your negative ones. I just happen to have never seen a body type chart that fit my body. I have never been an apple, pear, or banana, and certainly never an hourglass.
For example, some people keep all of their "junk" in the trunk. Personally, I have always kept my "junk" up front in the glove box. I have never had much "junk" in my trunk...until now. I happened to notice (in one of the FOUR full sized mirrors in our bathroom ... whoever came up with that idea needs to be shot!) upon getting out of the shower this morning that not only do I have "junk" in the trunk and the glove box, I also have "junk" in the fender walls, the front seat, and the undercarriage. I seriously need to clean out my car!
Now I could blame this current "junk pile" to the fact that I have birthed three children, but I think it is more my fault than theirs. In fact, I know that it is my fault. I got here because I put myself in this shape and I will get out of this shape only if I choose to change things in my life.
So the choice is made today. No more eating leftovers from the kids plates...heaven help us if we waste food. No more eating the Easter candy so that it does not make the kids hyper. No more driving the car to get the mail. No more circling the parking lot for ten minutes waiting on a close space. No more late night snacks and certainly no more McDonald's.
I will exercise with my children. I will take the time to eat healthy. I will walk instead of ride and more than anything I will hold myself accountable.
So why do you need to know all of this? Well, I hope that you hold me accountable too. I will never be an hourglass. I don't want to be a banana, apple, pear, or any combo of the three. I just want to be a healthy me...with a lot less "junk"!


grammyjoan said...

I'll never be able to look in the Glove Box again without wondering what will pop out!
We also are trying to get on the bandwagon, I don't want to have to go back to taking meds for diabetes again. I need to clean my house of junk... any takers?

Melissa said...

Food Revolution baby!