Sunday, February 21, 2010

A, B, C, D, E

I love my husband. I despise chickens. My husband wanted chickens. My husband lost his ever loving mind and bought two hens and a rooster at the auction yesterday. I lost my mind and allowed my husband to live after he bought said chickens. After seeing me not go completely ballistic at him buying three chickens, my husband then turned around and bought two more hens. I then threatened my husbands life and he quit buying.
We now have a chicken coop IN OUR BACKYARD!! I decided that I may as well figure out a way to deal with it since I love my husband. That is not to say that I no longer despise chickens. I still believe that they are disgustingly frightening birds whose only desire in life is to smother me with their feathers so they can then peck my eyes out. However, in order to try and make them seem a little more personable, I gave each of them a biblical name. The hens are Anna, Beulah, Delilah, and Esther. The rooster is Canaan.
I have to admit that they are pretty from a distance, but the first time they escape from that pen, I am sicking the dog on them!


grammyjoan said...

You couldn't think of slaying a Christian chicken, could you??????

Melissa said...

awesome. i'd get some too if i lived in the country. watch food, inc. it will make you proud to grow your own hormone free chickens.