Friday, October 24, 2008

Landon Neil Crosby

I have been debating about whether or not to post this and I guess I have decided to go ahead. When Jonah was born, there were four of us friends who delivered within two weeks of each other. This time around when I got pregnant, there were three of us; myself, my cousin Stephanie, and Joe's cousin Denise. Our due dates were once again all within a few weeks of each other. It is so exciting to go through a pregnancy with someone that you are close to. You can compare all of the strange things happening in your body with someone who truly knows what you are feeling at that exact moment.
Unfortunately, Wade and Denise's precious baby boy Landon did not make it to his scheduled due date. My heart breaks for them at the thought of saying goodbye to their baby. I am filled with emotions that I want to express, but just can't seem to find the words. Nothing seems to be adequate. I feel guilty that so many times I have taken for granted the miracle of life.
Denise has to be one of the best mothers in the world. God knew from the beginning that Landon needed a special mother for his short life here on earth. A mother's job is to love her children and from listening to Denise, I know she loved little Landon from the moment that she was planning for him. Even before he was conceived, I'm sure she had dreams for him and loved just the idea of him. I hope Denise realizes that she did her job perfectly, no baby could be loved more. Little Landon is now in heaven at Jesus feet, knowing that he is loved very much not only by his mom, but his entire family.


Anonymous said...

I can sympathize with her. My heart always goes out to mothers who have experienced loss. Their family will be in my heart and prayers.I think of my sweet Jacob every day.

Denise C said...

Thank you so much for posting this! You could not have said it any better!