Sunday, October 12, 2008

Do We HAVE To Go To Church?

Noah really does not like going to church. In his words..."Church is just too long for a little boy to have to sit still and not talk!" Yesterday Joe had a long talk with Noah about the importance of church and once again told him that yes we would be going to church Sunday mornings whether he liked it or not.
This morning our pastor delivered a very good message on service to God. Near the end of the message, he looked out at the congregation and asked rhetorically, "Why are you in Church this morning?" Noah, who was laying on the floor by this point, looked up at me and whispered, "See Momma, he don't know why we 'gotta come either!"

1 comment:

Gary & Brenda said...

he may not want to be there, but at least you know he is listening to the sermons. Good job, Noah xoxo