Saturday, October 30, 2010


There was a lot of that in my house today!  Each of my boys had a friend over.  That means six boys in one house with one Momma!  Joe escaped early this morning and called home around lunch to see how I was faring.  He asked me if I had changed my mind yet (about wanting another child).  I told him that yes, that indeed I had changed it.  Now instead of wanting one more, I would like to have three more! 
It was such fun today in a way that can't be explained but only experienced.  Children certainly are a blessing and I can't even begin to imagine my life without them.


Denise C said...

3 more? WOW lol! A big family is a wonderful thing. I don't want that many children haha, but it is a great thing!

Holly and Tj said...

I think you may be a little insane but that is one of the reasons I love you! Tj says you just nuts!lol

Melissa said...

Maybe three girls to add to the mix? :)

Suzy Q. said...

I understand wanting more kids, Denise!! Lol! Thanks for keeping the boys for me! Charlotte loved having a morning w/o them bothering her! ;)