I'm sure most of you know how I feel about bone head comments when it comes to whether or not I will ever be having any more children. For those of you who do not feel like "listening" to me rant, feel free to skip this post.
When anyone asks me if I Joe and I are going to have any more children, I try my best to answer as honestly as possible. I am not a fortune teller, so I can't answer with 100% accuracy, but I do my best. My standard answer is that I would love to have another child but we are waiting until Micah gets a little older before deciding if we are going to take that step. Sometimes people accept that answer and move on, but others look at me in horror and say, "You mean you want another one?"
That question does not bother me in the least. I realize that the decisions that we have made for our family are not right for everyone. For that question, I have a standard answer as well. I believe that if you don't know that you are done, then you can't say that you are done...and I don't know that we are done.
Last night I came across someone who asked me both questions, and I gave both answers. To which said person replied, "Huh, if you had them babies naturally you would know that you were done!"
Grrrr!!!!! Does that rub anyone else the wrong way, or is it just me?
Some people just can't help it, they feel like they need to tell you how to run your life, how many kids to have, etc. I think it is rude, but to them, they are probably just giving "advice".
Don't let them bother you. From what i have seen and heard, the labor and delivery is the easy part, it's the raising that's the hard part and ya'll are doing an awesome job!
I feel your pain. Just tell them you are not sure if you're having another but you are still practicing in case you choose to. Ha! That might shut them up.
I understand...I get those questions all the time. ESPECIALLY since Michael and I come from large families. Some people can put a damper on me enjoying my pregnancies. Funny thing is WE raise our kids, feed our kids, cloth our kids, etc. without asking for anyone's help and yet, these people are so upset and offended by our children as if we're begging off them or something.... *sigh*
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