Thursday, July 29, 2010

Four Months

"I'll see you in four months."

Words so sweet they nearly made me cry.  Jonah saw his allergist today and really impressed him with how well he was doing.  So much so in fact that the doctor said that other than having Jonah's normal blood work done, he was good to go for FOUR WHOLE MONTHS!!  That is like Thanksgiving time or something, every time I think about it I smile...four months!

Jonah has an appointment with the gastrointerologist in a couple of weeks and I am thinking that they are going to completely release him.  We are not having near the issues with diarrhea that we were having back a few months ago.

After the gastrointerologist, then we just have to see the dermatologist.  I don't see us getting an all clear there anytime soon, but at least he is maintaining well and has not had too many flares in the past few weeks.

Thank you God for your miracles.  Hearing four months today was a special gift!

1 comment:

grammyjoan said...

God is faithful to His children!