Thursday, July 15, 2010


My Jonah is growing up so fast and becoming such a sweet little boy!  Last night Joe and I had to run into town with the boys to take care of some trucking business and we were nearing bed time on the way home.  Joe made a sudden turn and Jonah's car seat (that accidentally had been put in the car without attaching the seat belt to it) flipped upside down and caused him to bang his head on the door. 
We pulled over and got everything buckled correctly, but Jonah was upset, scared, and tired...not a good combination.  Since we were close to  home, I decided to just hold him in my lap the rest of the way there.  I know it was bad parenting; we broke the law and I endangered my child's life, but I have to say that was one of the sweetest times I have ever had with Jonah.  We cuddled close and sang ♫Jesus loves me♫ over and over.  Then we had the best conversation ever...

Momma, Jesus loves me!
Yes Jonah, He sure does.
Jesus helps me.
Jesus makes me feel better.
Yes He does.
Jesus and lotion makes mine skin feel better.
You are right Jonah.
Jesus is gonna make mine tummy better and Him gonna make mine skin not itch.
I'm glad.
Yep, Jesus loves me and I love Him to the moon and back!  I love you too Momma!
And I love you!

I wish I had that childlike faith.  I know God can, I just don't know that He will.  To be honest, I have been afraid to believe and get my hopes up.
Jonah had been doing so well lately, but had another allergic reaction last week.  I still do not know if he got into something that he was not supposed to have or if he is developing other allergies that we are going to have to watch out for.  This reaction happened back on the 6th and as of this morning, he is still having side effects from it. He has to have more blood drawn before the end of the month, but I have been putting it off.  I think I hate doing it more than he does...
And back to his faith, I want to believe that someday soon Jonah will be free of all of these problems, but I know that may not be the path that he is to walk.  I am not being sceptical, but rather realistic.  God does not always answer our prayers in the way that we see fit.  How do I prepare my child for that without crushing that precious "childlike" faith?  As you can see, I am in over my head and any advice would be greatly appreciated.  I just want to do what is best for Jonah without dragging my fears into the mix!


grammyjoan said...

I think we just continue to nurture that faith in him making sure he understands that Jesus works in His time, not ours. He understands so much of what we say and I am so thankful that you two are parenting the boys with the knowledge of how much God loves them.

Holly and Tj said...

What a sweetheart! Love y'all!

Holly and Tj said...

PS unrelated but I love the new page design!

Denise said...

Thanks Holly!