Noah has mastered saying the letter L!
He was born a little tongue tied and has had a little bit of trouble pronouncing certain letters. (I am slightly tongue tied as well. I never even knew it until a dentist pointed it out when I was a teen.) Noah's pediatrician suggested at birth that we wait and see if he would be able to adjust before we did any surgery. Up until this week he said wisten, wuv, and wost instead of listen, love, and lost. He has been working so hard to get it right and this week it finally clicked.
Six years ago, I never thought that I would possibly get excited over a simple letter of the alphabet. Now I can't seem to get enough of the letter L. Every time I hear it I get a smile on my face. Isn't it amazing the things that motherhood can do to you?
Yes it is. CJ has trouble with the letter L as well. Seems that alot of children do.
My oldest couldn't say her f's. They came out as s's. She told my mom in a dressing room once that a dress made her look "fancy" but had major trouble with that one and it came out "sexy." And she had trouble for a while with g and gr sounding like d. Try that one with graham crackers, which she loved.
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