Thursday, April 9, 2009

Growing Old

Today was one of the more depressing days I have had in a while. I had to go to the doctor today for my six week check-up. Going to the OBGYN is really never a pleasant experience and especially so today. First I had to get on the scales, yuck. Then I had to get undressed and put on a paper gown, double yuck. As I was laying there on the table, legs akimbo, I hear the doctor say to the nurse, "Make sure you mark that PAP culture as over thirty." I mean, was that necessary? Here I am in the most vulnerable position a woman can be in, and my doctor is pointing out the fact that I am now considered over thirty. Can a day get any more depressing than that?

Turns out it can.

When Noah was born I used a 'boppy' pillow when I nursed him. It is sort of like a big thick pillow that brings the baby up to the level of your breasts so you can nurse the baby comfortably while in a sitting position (without having to lean forward). The 'boppy' was worn out by the time Jonah came around, so I just used regular bed pillow instead. This evening Joe asked me if I needed a pillow when he brought Micah to me for his evening meal. It was then that I realized that I no longer needed even a small bed pillow to comfortably bring the baby up to the level of my breasts. And no, my lap did not get any breasts just got lower. I wonder if they make a bra with the cup size "extra long"?

The realization of my sagging body along with the remider that I am now part of the "over thirty" category is almost too much to handle in one day. Thankfully I have a great hubby and three amazing boys to keep me focused on what is really important in life. I don't have time to worry about scales, tape measures, or aging body parts when I am reading bedtime stories, snuggling babies, and kissing boo-boo's.

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