Our Dish Network is out until the repairman gets here on Saturday. So today Noah asked to watch a DVD. We had a huge box of them that my aunt had given us when her kids (two boys and a girl) outgrew them. This morning when Noah got to chose a movie from the box, he chose Cinderella. I figured he would not like it and would be asking for a different movie within minutes of putting it in to play. However, it held his attention and he watched intently until the very end. I was starting to think that there was not that much difference in the way little boys and little girls view things after all.
Near the end of the movie, when the prince goes to Cinderella's house and tries the shoes on the stepsisters then angrily demands to see the other sister (Cinderella) to see if the slipper would fit her, Noah was literally sitting on the edge of his seat. As Cinderella sat down in the chair to try the slipper on, I heard Noah say, "Don't do it...If it fits he'll catch you and take you away with him!"
Oh well, I guess there is a big difference in the way little boys and little girls view things after all.
The braggings of a busy Mom of her precious gifts from God: her hubby and four boys.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Strawberry Barn
We made a trip to the Strawberry Barn on Friday. My Mom went with us as I was not sure about taking three kids by myself with a bum leg. (Added bonus...since Mom went I have pictures!) The kids really had a great time. Noah and Jonah played on the playground for a while before we headed out to the field to pick. Micah pretty much just hung out around my neck in his sling or in my Mom's arms. As you can see from the pictures, Noah was a great picker. He nearly filled the basket all by himself. Jonah picked a few as well, but none of his made it to the basket!

Jonah and Noah playing on the train
Noah swinging...dirty feet and all

First Bite
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sick Perks
The only thing worse than dumping breast milk down the drain is dropping two full bottles of milk on the bedroom carpet as you are making your way to the sink to pour them out. This whole routine is getting a bit old. However, the past few weeks have not been all bad. I'm trying to focus on the bright spots...
Ice Chips
In the hospital, the nurses keep you supplied with all the ice chips you can eat. It is really good ice, not so hard that it hurts your teeth, but still firm enough to give you a good crunch. There is nothing better than crushed ice at your demand.
Sushi and Caffeine
Since I am dumping out my breast milk I don't have to be concerned about every little thing I eat. This is the first time since February of 2007 that I have not been supporting a baby, either by being pregnant or nursing. Joe and I are going to go out to celebrate our anniversary this weekend (since I was not up to it last weekend) and I plan to take full advantage of my new found but short lived freedom.
Hospital Food
Yes, I am serious. On Wednesdays the hospital serves the best baked fish I have ever tasted. If you are ever in our little hospital, try to be there on a Wednesday. Seriously, it is YUMMY!
My Own Bathroom
By trying to prevent the spread of MRSA, the master bathroom has become off limits to everyone but myself. With the exception of tiny hands reaching under the bathroom door, I can actually pee and shower ALONE. This is by far my favorite "perk" and is one that we may have to keep around for a while even after I get better.
Ice Chips
In the hospital, the nurses keep you supplied with all the ice chips you can eat. It is really good ice, not so hard that it hurts your teeth, but still firm enough to give you a good crunch. There is nothing better than crushed ice at your demand.
Sushi and Caffeine
Since I am dumping out my breast milk I don't have to be concerned about every little thing I eat. This is the first time since February of 2007 that I have not been supporting a baby, either by being pregnant or nursing. Joe and I are going to go out to celebrate our anniversary this weekend (since I was not up to it last weekend) and I plan to take full advantage of my new found but short lived freedom.
Hospital Food
Yes, I am serious. On Wednesdays the hospital serves the best baked fish I have ever tasted. If you are ever in our little hospital, try to be there on a Wednesday. Seriously, it is YUMMY!
My Own Bathroom
By trying to prevent the spread of MRSA, the master bathroom has become off limits to everyone but myself. With the exception of tiny hands reaching under the bathroom door, I can actually pee and shower ALONE. This is by far my favorite "perk" and is one that we may have to keep around for a while even after I get better.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tubes Out!
I went back to see the surgeon yesterday and have my drainage tubes removed. Did I mention that these tubes were huge? I could fit my entire thumb in there with room to spare. Noah called them my 'tunnels'. I was a nervous wreck. Those things were in there good and when I tugged on them just a little bit it hurt like crazy. I did not know that they were held in with stitches and once the stitches were removed the tubes would slide right out. Crazy me, when it was over I had to admit that it did not hurt at all!
Anyway, the surgeon said that everything looked good and that he would see me in a week. My wound is still draining...a lot. I have to keep it bandaged so that I don't 'leak' everywhere and spread MRSA around. He (the surgeon) also is referring me to an infectious disease specialist to discuss how to avoid repeat attacks and protecting the rest of my family from this blah, blah, blah, ...something like that.
I am still pumping and dumping. Micah has not been allowed to nurse since Easter morning. I will be able to nurse him again May 1st. Seems like such a long time away, but I am almost two thirds of the way there already. Can I just tell you that I despise pouring my hard earned breast milk down the drain! Whoever said there was no use crying over spilled milk never had to make it and pump it out themselves.
Well, enough complaining. We have been very blessed throughout this whole ordeal. From the timing of it all to the support of friends and family, we have really seen God work in our lives the past couple of weeks. I feel like such a big baby for the way that I responded to God the past few weeks. Instead of praising Him in the storm, I questioned Him. I know it is no excuse but I was just so mad and lonely and missing my babies. Even though it was frustrating at the time, I now look back and can see God's hand of protection throughout all of this. If only I would have trusted Him then, I could have spared myself a lot of grief and heartache.
Wow, didn't mean to get into all of that...but there you have it. Life is slowly returning to normal around here and hopefully my posts will as well.
Anyway, the surgeon said that everything looked good and that he would see me in a week. My wound is still draining...a lot. I have to keep it bandaged so that I don't 'leak' everywhere and spread MRSA around. He (the surgeon) also is referring me to an infectious disease specialist to discuss how to avoid repeat attacks and protecting the rest of my family from this blah, blah, blah, ...something like that.
I am still pumping and dumping. Micah has not been allowed to nurse since Easter morning. I will be able to nurse him again May 1st. Seems like such a long time away, but I am almost two thirds of the way there already. Can I just tell you that I despise pouring my hard earned breast milk down the drain! Whoever said there was no use crying over spilled milk never had to make it and pump it out themselves.
Well, enough complaining. We have been very blessed throughout this whole ordeal. From the timing of it all to the support of friends and family, we have really seen God work in our lives the past couple of weeks. I feel like such a big baby for the way that I responded to God the past few weeks. Instead of praising Him in the storm, I questioned Him. I know it is no excuse but I was just so mad and lonely and missing my babies. Even though it was frustrating at the time, I now look back and can see God's hand of protection throughout all of this. If only I would have trusted Him then, I could have spared myself a lot of grief and heartache.
Wow, didn't mean to get into all of that...but there you have it. Life is slowly returning to normal around here and hopefully my posts will as well.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Trouble With A Tall Hubby
Joe put Noah and Jonah's Easter candy up high so that they could not reach it. This way they have to ask for it along and along instead of eating it all in one day. The problem....I need chocolate and I can't reach it either!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thank You
Where do I begin to thank the many people have helped us out recently? It is like everyone stepped up and ran my life while I was too sick to do anything for myself. (And they ran it pretty smoothly!) Everything was handled: feeding my family, taking care of my kids, cleaning and sterilizing my house, sitting with me in the hospital, cards and phone calls to cheer me up, flowers to brighten my room, changing my bandages, and prayers for my speedy recovery. I am astounded by it all and have a feeling that it will take me quite a while to repay everyone for thier kindness. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Six Years
It is anniversary time again! It will be a quiet anniversary this year. There is not a lot of time for celebrating in between being hooked up to the pumping machine, changing bandages, feeding babies, changing baby diapers, and popping antibiotics. This year I feel especially blessed to have My Joseph in my life. That "in sickness and in health" part of our vows has really come into play this past week.
Thank you for everything...I'll love you forever!
Thank you for everything...I'll love you forever!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Is It Over Yet?
Our life usually tends to lean towards the crazy side instead of the normal. However, our normal craziness has been replaced with some bizarre roller coaster ride this past week.
Thursday evening I noticed a small lump on my inner left thigh. I really did not think much of it since I had been at the OBGYN that morning and they found nothing wrong with me. Joe looked at it and said maybe it was the start of a pimple or something. It grew a little on Friday and Mom gave me some black drawing salve to put on it. By Saturday evening it was the size of my fist and very painful. All that night I suffered with fever and chills, by the next morning the "boil" was larger than both of my hands put together. Sunday I made it through Easter lunch and egg hunt, but by Sunday afternoon I was miserable. I had exceeded my maximum dose of Tylenol for the day and still could not get my high fever to break. I headed to the ER with Joe to have what I thought was a boil lanced, get a bottle of antibiotics, and be home in time to put the kids to bed. This was my normal crazy life, the bizarre happened when I got there.
After looking at my growing problem, the first words out of the E.R. doctor's mouth were, "This is way out of my league. I'm going to have to call in the surgeon." I can assure you those were not the words that I wanted to hear. After consulting with the surgeon, I had to undergo a CAT scan to make sure that the infection had not spread into my pelvis. The bad part was that the chemical they inject during the CAT scan is passed through breast milk and is harmful to babies. That meant no breast feeding for 48 hours. (Good thing I had plenty of milk pumped and stored in the freezer.) The CAT scan results came back good and the surgeon lanced, drained, and then packed what they were now calling an abscess. The surgeon was pretty sure that we were dealing with MRSA so I was put on a very strong IV antibiotic and admitted to the hospital.
This really took us off guard, so Joe decided to go home and get a few things and then come back to spend the night with me. It seemed like it took him an awfully long time to get back. When he did get back, I found out why. Just as he was getting to our driveway, he hit a deer. It took out my driver side headlight and signal light and put a dent in the driver side door. Joe had to use his truck to come back to the hospital since my vehicle no longer had lights. When he came back out of the drive, he saw the deer still in the road. He got out and checked and the deer was still alive but with what he thought was a broken back. He did not have a gun with him, but knew he needed to kill the deer to get it out of its misery. (And so we could have meat for the freezer) Anyway, since he did not have a gun in the truck, my redneck husband killed the deer by hitting it in the head with a baseball bat. (I know you are cringing, I cringed too when I heard about it.) Joe loaded the deer up in the back of his truck and took it to his Dad's house. His Dad was going to deal with it so that Joe could get back to me at the hospital.
Once again, this was the normal crazy life. The bizarre part is that later that night Joe's brother heard a noise outside. He looked out the door in time to see the deer raise it's head, get up, jump out of the truck, and run into the woods. How does a deer come back to life? I guess in bizarro world anything is possible.
Back to the hospital. You would think being in the hospital meant that I would get some rest. Think again. I ended up on the one floor of the hospital that was being renovated. So in between the constant fever, chills, and needles; I heard skill saws, hammers, and drills right outside my room all day long. The nights were not much better. They scrubbed and waxed the floors at night with a machine that is louder than Joe's eighteen wheeler.
I was actually continuing to get worse, so the surgeon put me to sleep Tuesday afternoon and went back into the abscess. He inserted two drainage tubes that I will have removed next week. That is when things started to really turn around. I felt much much better after surgery. Turns out I did have MRSA. The antibiotics for MRSA are too strong for Micah to get them in his breast milk, so I continued to pump and dump as he continued to drink the last of the stored breast milk mixed with formula.The antibiotic (vancamiacin) is really tough on your veins. I blew ten (yes I said ten) IV's during my five day stay. My arms look like I am a heroin addict. By Thursday, I had no usable veins left so they put me on oral meds and sent me home! I was so happy to see my house and family.
We are following very strict measures to sanitize everything and try to keep this germ contained to me, but the fear is still there that I am going to give this to my children. When I got home, Noah was complaining of a sore throat and I could see tiny little blisters way at the back of his mouth. Paranoia set in and by Friday morning we were on the way to the Dr. with him. Turns out Noah just had a bad cold and the Dr. gave him some medicine that is already making him feel better.
But once again, it could not be a normal appointment like other people experience. While we were in the doctor's office waiting room, Jonah got stung on the hand by a wasp! His fingers started swelling immediately, but after some ice and TLC, he was fine.
I can not nurse Micah for two more weeks and we are out of stored milk, so he is on formula now while I am still pumping and dumping. It is a big adjustment for us. I am used to just lifting my shirt and feeding, usually while in a semi-sleeping state. This washing, mixing, and warming bottles is ridiculous. Why would anyone actually choose to do this? And while I am on the formula issue, let me just mention the poop. Yuck, yuck, double yuck, gag. Enough said.
So, is it over yet? I have no idea, but I sure hope so. I mean really, what else could happen? Then again.....Maybe I shouldn't ask that question. I think I will just sit back, close my eyes, and try to find humor in this bizarre ride that we are on.
Thursday evening I noticed a small lump on my inner left thigh. I really did not think much of it since I had been at the OBGYN that morning and they found nothing wrong with me. Joe looked at it and said maybe it was the start of a pimple or something. It grew a little on Friday and Mom gave me some black drawing salve to put on it. By Saturday evening it was the size of my fist and very painful. All that night I suffered with fever and chills, by the next morning the "boil" was larger than both of my hands put together. Sunday I made it through Easter lunch and egg hunt, but by Sunday afternoon I was miserable. I had exceeded my maximum dose of Tylenol for the day and still could not get my high fever to break. I headed to the ER with Joe to have what I thought was a boil lanced, get a bottle of antibiotics, and be home in time to put the kids to bed. This was my normal crazy life, the bizarre happened when I got there.
After looking at my growing problem, the first words out of the E.R. doctor's mouth were, "This is way out of my league. I'm going to have to call in the surgeon." I can assure you those were not the words that I wanted to hear. After consulting with the surgeon, I had to undergo a CAT scan to make sure that the infection had not spread into my pelvis. The bad part was that the chemical they inject during the CAT scan is passed through breast milk and is harmful to babies. That meant no breast feeding for 48 hours. (Good thing I had plenty of milk pumped and stored in the freezer.) The CAT scan results came back good and the surgeon lanced, drained, and then packed what they were now calling an abscess. The surgeon was pretty sure that we were dealing with MRSA so I was put on a very strong IV antibiotic and admitted to the hospital.
This really took us off guard, so Joe decided to go home and get a few things and then come back to spend the night with me. It seemed like it took him an awfully long time to get back. When he did get back, I found out why. Just as he was getting to our driveway, he hit a deer. It took out my driver side headlight and signal light and put a dent in the driver side door. Joe had to use his truck to come back to the hospital since my vehicle no longer had lights. When he came back out of the drive, he saw the deer still in the road. He got out and checked and the deer was still alive but with what he thought was a broken back. He did not have a gun with him, but knew he needed to kill the deer to get it out of its misery. (And so we could have meat for the freezer) Anyway, since he did not have a gun in the truck, my redneck husband killed the deer by hitting it in the head with a baseball bat. (I know you are cringing, I cringed too when I heard about it.) Joe loaded the deer up in the back of his truck and took it to his Dad's house. His Dad was going to deal with it so that Joe could get back to me at the hospital.
Once again, this was the normal crazy life. The bizarre part is that later that night Joe's brother heard a noise outside. He looked out the door in time to see the deer raise it's head, get up, jump out of the truck, and run into the woods. How does a deer come back to life? I guess in bizarro world anything is possible.
Back to the hospital. You would think being in the hospital meant that I would get some rest. Think again. I ended up on the one floor of the hospital that was being renovated. So in between the constant fever, chills, and needles; I heard skill saws, hammers, and drills right outside my room all day long. The nights were not much better. They scrubbed and waxed the floors at night with a machine that is louder than Joe's eighteen wheeler.
I was actually continuing to get worse, so the surgeon put me to sleep Tuesday afternoon and went back into the abscess. He inserted two drainage tubes that I will have removed next week. That is when things started to really turn around. I felt much much better after surgery. Turns out I did have MRSA. The antibiotics for MRSA are too strong for Micah to get them in his breast milk, so I continued to pump and dump as he continued to drink the last of the stored breast milk mixed with formula.The antibiotic (vancamiacin) is really tough on your veins. I blew ten (yes I said ten) IV's during my five day stay. My arms look like I am a heroin addict. By Thursday, I had no usable veins left so they put me on oral meds and sent me home! I was so happy to see my house and family.
We are following very strict measures to sanitize everything and try to keep this germ contained to me, but the fear is still there that I am going to give this to my children. When I got home, Noah was complaining of a sore throat and I could see tiny little blisters way at the back of his mouth. Paranoia set in and by Friday morning we were on the way to the Dr. with him. Turns out Noah just had a bad cold and the Dr. gave him some medicine that is already making him feel better.
But once again, it could not be a normal appointment like other people experience. While we were in the doctor's office waiting room, Jonah got stung on the hand by a wasp! His fingers started swelling immediately, but after some ice and TLC, he was fine.
I can not nurse Micah for two more weeks and we are out of stored milk, so he is on formula now while I am still pumping and dumping. It is a big adjustment for us. I am used to just lifting my shirt and feeding, usually while in a semi-sleeping state. This washing, mixing, and warming bottles is ridiculous. Why would anyone actually choose to do this? And while I am on the formula issue, let me just mention the poop. Yuck, yuck, double yuck, gag. Enough said.
So, is it over yet? I have no idea, but I sure hope so. I mean really, what else could happen? Then again.....Maybe I shouldn't ask that question. I think I will just sit back, close my eyes, and try to find humor in this bizarre ride that we are on.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
12 Hours Fever Free
Just talked to Denise and she announced she has been fever free for 12 hours straight!
This is such an improvement for her; we are just waiting for the surgeon to come in and give his opinion now. He put a drainage tube in yesterday and it was draining really well today.
She felt like getting up and washing her hair this morning when I took the boys to see her and felt so much better after that. Please continue to pray for her healing, hopefully she will be back blogging as soon as she gets home from the hospital.
This is such an improvement for her; we are just waiting for the surgeon to come in and give his opinion now. He put a drainage tube in yesterday and it was draining really well today.
She felt like getting up and washing her hair this morning when I took the boys to see her and felt so much better after that. Please continue to pray for her healing, hopefully she will be back blogging as soon as she gets home from the hospital.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sick Girl
Well, this isn't what I thought I would be posting for Denise today, my goal was to take lots of pictures of the children on Easter and be able to share with you. Denise had other plans in the making and didn't know about them.
Sometime early in the weekend, Denise developed a boil on the inside of her leg at the groin area. It quickly became very painful and continued to grow over the weekend and by Sunday she was in extreme pain from it and started running a fever of around 104.
It was apparent that she had to be seen without waiting so Jimmie and I kept the children and Joe took out for the hospital emergency room with her. They had a surgeon put her to sleep and lance and pack the area, started her on IV antibiotics, and told her she would be there for several days. There is a possibility it is MRSA but we won't know until the culture comes back.
Please pray for her quick healing and for the family, it's pretty hard with such a little baby and toddler and child missing Mommy!
Hopefully Denise will be back to post herself very soon but I will try to keep you informed when I don't have the children. I still don't know how she manages to do it with the children!
Sometime early in the weekend, Denise developed a boil on the inside of her leg at the groin area. It quickly became very painful and continued to grow over the weekend and by Sunday she was in extreme pain from it and started running a fever of around 104.
It was apparent that she had to be seen without waiting so Jimmie and I kept the children and Joe took out for the hospital emergency room with her. They had a surgeon put her to sleep and lance and pack the area, started her on IV antibiotics, and told her she would be there for several days. There is a possibility it is MRSA but we won't know until the culture comes back.
Please pray for her quick healing and for the family, it's pretty hard with such a little baby and toddler and child missing Mommy!
Hopefully Denise will be back to post herself very soon but I will try to keep you informed when I don't have the children. I still don't know how she manages to do it with the children!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Growing Old
Today was one of the more depressing days I have had in a while. I had to go to the doctor today for my six week check-up. Going to the OBGYN is really never a pleasant experience and especially so today. First I had to get on the scales, yuck. Then I had to get undressed and put on a paper gown, double yuck. As I was laying there on the table, legs akimbo, I hear the doctor say to the nurse, "Make sure you mark that PAP culture as over thirty." I mean, was that necessary? Here I am in the most vulnerable position a woman can be in, and my doctor is pointing out the fact that I am now considered over thirty. Can a day get any more depressing than that?
Turns out it can.
When Noah was born I used a 'boppy' pillow when I nursed him. It is sort of like a big thick pillow that brings the baby up to the level of your breasts so you can nurse the baby comfortably while in a sitting position (without having to lean forward). The 'boppy' was worn out by the time Jonah came around, so I just used regular bed pillow instead. This evening Joe asked me if I needed a pillow when he brought Micah to me for his evening meal. It was then that I realized that I no longer needed even a small bed pillow to comfortably bring the baby up to the level of my breasts. And no, my lap did not get any higher...my breasts just got lower. I wonder if they make a bra with the cup size "extra long"?
The realization of my sagging body along with the remider that I am now part of the "over thirty" category is almost too much to handle in one day. Thankfully I have a great hubby and three amazing boys to keep me focused on what is really important in life. I don't have time to worry about scales, tape measures, or aging body parts when I am reading bedtime stories, snuggling babies, and kissing boo-boo's.
Turns out it can.
When Noah was born I used a 'boppy' pillow when I nursed him. It is sort of like a big thick pillow that brings the baby up to the level of your breasts so you can nurse the baby comfortably while in a sitting position (without having to lean forward). The 'boppy' was worn out by the time Jonah came around, so I just used regular bed pillow instead. This evening Joe asked me if I needed a pillow when he brought Micah to me for his evening meal. It was then that I realized that I no longer needed even a small bed pillow to comfortably bring the baby up to the level of my breasts. And no, my lap did not get any higher...my breasts just got lower. I wonder if they make a bra with the cup size "extra long"?
The realization of my sagging body along with the remider that I am now part of the "over thirty" category is almost too much to handle in one day. Thankfully I have a great hubby and three amazing boys to keep me focused on what is really important in life. I don't have time to worry about scales, tape measures, or aging body parts when I am reading bedtime stories, snuggling babies, and kissing boo-boo's.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Just wanted everyone to know that I finally have a new e-mail. You can reach me at godleygivens@hotmail.com Yippee!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I Rock!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Easter Egg Hunt
This afternoon was the annual church Easter egg hunt. I dropped Micah off with my Mom, (I figured he really did not need ANY more sun) and took the older two boys to the ball field for the egg hunt. Of course Noah, being five years old and all, was a pro at hunting eggs. He went off on his own with the "big" kids while I took Jonah with me to the toddler section.
I had the hardest time getting Jonah to even pick up one egg! I kept telling him to pick up the pretty eggs and put them in the basket and he kept looking at me like I was crazy. After a few minutes of him stubbornly refusing to pick up any eggs, I finally realized what the problem was. Jonah is allergic to eggs. Every time he comes near something that has eggs in it, I say, "NO, you can't have that. It has eggs in it." The poor child was afraid that he would get in trouble for touching the plastic Easter eggs. He really got into the competition and had a blast once I told him that it was okay, that these were eggs with candy and he could eat what was inside.
Noah gathered a lot of eggs as well. He also won a plastic motorcycle by playing bingo. (Just what I need, another toy in the house.) After the egg hunt, bingo, hot dogs, and cupcakes, we picked up Micah and headed home. When we got home, I came straight to the computer to blog and then remembered that I should have taken the camera. Oops!
I had the hardest time getting Jonah to even pick up one egg! I kept telling him to pick up the pretty eggs and put them in the basket and he kept looking at me like I was crazy. After a few minutes of him stubbornly refusing to pick up any eggs, I finally realized what the problem was. Jonah is allergic to eggs. Every time he comes near something that has eggs in it, I say, "NO, you can't have that. It has eggs in it." The poor child was afraid that he would get in trouble for touching the plastic Easter eggs. He really got into the competition and had a blast once I told him that it was okay, that these were eggs with candy and he could eat what was inside.
Noah gathered a lot of eggs as well. He also won a plastic motorcycle by playing bingo. (Just what I need, another toy in the house.) After the egg hunt, bingo, hot dogs, and cupcakes, we picked up Micah and headed home. When we got home, I came straight to the computer to blog and then remembered that I should have taken the camera. Oops!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Bad Mommy
So today I am not only a contestant for the World's Worst Mother Award, but the clear winner.
Let me begin by saying that my boys are Daddy's boys. Nearly every Saturday morning when Joe gets up he gets Noah and Jonah ready and heads out for a few hours, leaving me alone with Micah. (Prior to Micah I just got a few hours to myself) It is very seldom that he ever leaves with only one child. However, this morning Jonah was still asleep, so he only took Noah with him. I was busy nursing Micah when they left, but to be fair to Joe, he did tell me that he was only taking Noah.
I finished nursing Micah, got us ready for the day, packed the car, and started to pull out of the drive when I realized that I had not packed a burp cloth. I ran back into the house to get one out of the closet in Jonah's room and that is when I saw my middle child, still asleep in his crib! I had forgotten all about Jonah. It nearly scared me to death. I almost left my 17 month old child all alone in his crib all day long. I don't think I would have even realized that he was alone until I met up with Joe at our planned time this afternoon and realized that he did not have him.
This was just the beginning of my "bad mommy" day. See I sent both Noah and Jonah off with my Mom on Tuesday in order for me to clean out the many toy boxes we have in this house. I gathered SEVEN boxes of toys that I needed to sell or give away. As long as they were out of my house I did not really care what happened to them. My Aunts were having a yard sale, so I decided to join them and get rid of the toys. I was in a hurry to get out of the house this morning to make it to a yard sale. I made it to the yard sale with both Jonah and Micah in tow and stayed there most of the day. What I did not realize was how bright the sun was today. I gave myself, Jonah, and worst of all my five week old baby sunburn. What kind of mother lets her five week old get burnt?
So today I forgot one child, allowed two children to get sunburn, and only made $3.75 selling the kid's toys. Not my finest moments by far.
Let me begin by saying that my boys are Daddy's boys. Nearly every Saturday morning when Joe gets up he gets Noah and Jonah ready and heads out for a few hours, leaving me alone with Micah. (Prior to Micah I just got a few hours to myself) It is very seldom that he ever leaves with only one child. However, this morning Jonah was still asleep, so he only took Noah with him. I was busy nursing Micah when they left, but to be fair to Joe, he did tell me that he was only taking Noah.
I finished nursing Micah, got us ready for the day, packed the car, and started to pull out of the drive when I realized that I had not packed a burp cloth. I ran back into the house to get one out of the closet in Jonah's room and that is when I saw my middle child, still asleep in his crib! I had forgotten all about Jonah. It nearly scared me to death. I almost left my 17 month old child all alone in his crib all day long. I don't think I would have even realized that he was alone until I met up with Joe at our planned time this afternoon and realized that he did not have him.
This was just the beginning of my "bad mommy" day. See I sent both Noah and Jonah off with my Mom on Tuesday in order for me to clean out the many toy boxes we have in this house. I gathered SEVEN boxes of toys that I needed to sell or give away. As long as they were out of my house I did not really care what happened to them. My Aunts were having a yard sale, so I decided to join them and get rid of the toys. I was in a hurry to get out of the house this morning to make it to a yard sale. I made it to the yard sale with both Jonah and Micah in tow and stayed there most of the day. What I did not realize was how bright the sun was today. I gave myself, Jonah, and worst of all my five week old baby sunburn. What kind of mother lets her five week old get burnt?
So today I forgot one child, allowed two children to get sunburn, and only made $3.75 selling the kid's toys. Not my finest moments by far.
Friday, April 3, 2009
My Dad got married tonight. He wanted Joe, myself and our three boys to sit in the front row. Talk about pressure. I assure you that keeping three boys quiet and still during an outside wedding is no easy task. Thank God for tootsie rolls. Bribery works wonders! All in all they were very well behaved. Noah stayed busy opening tootsie rolls, Jonah's mouth stayed full of tootsie rolls, and Micah slept through the entire wedding. The reception was a hit. Noah's words, "That was so much fun. When do you think Pappy will do it again?" I agreed that it was fun, but I think four times is plenty and maybe someone else would get married next time instead of Pappy.
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