Fresh cut grass. Flowers blooming. Lime green. Cool breeze. Sleeping with the windows open. Strawberries. Going barefoot. Planting the garden. Trees budding. Picnics. Egg hunts. Blackberry picking.
These are some of my favorite things about spring. What are yours?
The braggings of a busy Mom of her precious gifts from God: her hubby and four boys.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
And yet another genius moment from Noah! Okay, so maybe he is not genius, but he just thinks so differently than I do. It amazes me how his mind works. I challenged him in the car with four items and he had to tell me which one did not belong. The items were: peaches, potatoes, carrots, and peanuts. Of course the answer I was looking for was carrots. It starts with a "C" whereas the others start with a "P". Noah's answer? PEACHES!!! I was almost afraid to ask why, but I did it anyway.
Potatoes, carrots, and peanuts all grow under the ground. Peaches grow on a tree.
Potatoes, carrots, and peanuts all grow under the ground. Peaches grow on a tree.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
...that I thought I would never say.
Come here and let me smell your bottom end.
Who else would have put poop in your diaper?
Yes that is the corn you ate last night. No you can not eat it again.
Did you wipe good? Bend over and let me check.
Those treats are for the dog, please get them out of your mouth.
Boogers belong up your nose or in a tissue...if you do not want to use a tissue, then put it back up your nose.
So what have you said that you thought you would never say?
Come here and let me smell your bottom end.
Who else would have put poop in your diaper?
Yes that is the corn you ate last night. No you can not eat it again.
Did you wipe good? Bend over and let me check.
Those treats are for the dog, please get them out of your mouth.
Boogers belong up your nose or in a tissue...if you do not want to use a tissue, then put it back up your nose.
So what have you said that you thought you would never say?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Some Things Never Change
This is what I heard from Noah last night as he chatted away.
Makenzie used to be faster than me. I would chase and chase and chase her and could never catch her, but either she is getting slower or I am getting faster because now I catch her every time I chase her. So you know what I am gonna do? I ain't gonna chase her no more. I'm gonna start chasing Bailey 'cause I haven't ever been able to catch her yet. But one day, Oh yeah...I will catch Bailey too, then I won't chase her no more either. It just isn't as much fun to chase girls when you know that you can catch them. Do you know what I mean Momma?Yes Noah, I do know what you mean. Don't we all to an extent?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I am convinced that I am raising genius children. I would like to think that it has something to do with my intelligence, but after this morning's conversations I am no longer so sure.
Trying to keep the kids occupied while we waited on Noah's ride to school, I decided to test Noah's math skills. I would give him an addition or subtraction problem and he would shout out the answer. He was doing really well and boasted that I could not stump him. I could not let him think he was smarter than me so I challenged him to stump me instead. He said "Okay, what is infinity plus infinity?" Ummmm....Oh look, there comes your ride!
I decided to move to Jonah at that point. I would say the name of an animal and he would make the correct noise. I gave him cow, pig and chicken. He came back with moo, oink, and cluck. I thought I could redeem myself and at least prove that I was smarter than my two year old, so I asked him what sound an alligator makes. Without missing a beat he came back with "CHOMP CHOMP"!
I did not get a chance to test Micah's wit, and I am pretty sure that is a good thing. I don't know how I would have taken being out witted by all three of my children. They certainly do keep me on my toes.
Trying to keep the kids occupied while we waited on Noah's ride to school, I decided to test Noah's math skills. I would give him an addition or subtraction problem and he would shout out the answer. He was doing really well and boasted that I could not stump him. I could not let him think he was smarter than me so I challenged him to stump me instead. He said "Okay, what is infinity plus infinity?" Ummmm....Oh look, there comes your ride!
I decided to move to Jonah at that point. I would say the name of an animal and he would make the correct noise. I gave him cow, pig and chicken. He came back with moo, oink, and cluck. I thought I could redeem myself and at least prove that I was smarter than my two year old, so I asked him what sound an alligator makes. Without missing a beat he came back with "CHOMP CHOMP"!
I did not get a chance to test Micah's wit, and I am pretty sure that is a good thing. I don't know how I would have taken being out witted by all three of my children. They certainly do keep me on my toes.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bad Words
Bad words are not allowed in my house. Ever.
Today as Noah and Jonah were gathering eggs from the chicken pen, (and I stood safely behind the locked gate) they could not get Beulah to come out of her laying box. I told them to leave her alone and they could come back out later to see if she was out and had left them an egg. Jonah of course listened as well as he usually does and shoved his hand right in Beulah's little nest. Beulah of course pecked his little fingers. I of course made him walk all the way across the chicken yard and out of the gate to where I was standing before I could comfort him. When he stopped crying he used his cute little two year old vocabulary to tell me what happened.
Today as Noah and Jonah were gathering eggs from the chicken pen, (and I stood safely behind the locked gate) they could not get Beulah to come out of her laying box. I told them to leave her alone and they could come back out later to see if she was out and had left them an egg. Jonah of course listened as well as he usually does and shoved his hand right in Beulah's little nest. Beulah of course pecked his little fingers. I of course made him walk all the way across the chicken yard and out of the gate to where I was standing before I could comfort him. When he stopped crying he used his cute little two year old vocabulary to tell me what happened.
Her bit me! Her bit me right der on mine fingers! Her a... her a... her a BAD WORD!!He continued on for quite a while but after hearing him call the chicken "a bad word" all I could do was laugh. I think Jonah is going to keep me entertained just as much as Noah has over the years!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Relief and Disappointment
I have discovered the past couple of weeks that both of these emotions can occur hand in hand.
It started out by me realizing that I was late. Not late as in late for work...but the other kind of late. I started calculating and figured that I was REALLY late, two weeks to be exact. My first thought was that I was going to have to eat the words that I wrote here. We were not trying to have a baby right now, in fact we were doing the opposite! I immediately tested and watched as only one line appeared. I checked every five minutes for an hour, but only one line ever appeared. This was my routine every morning for a week. I started to think that it was because I was using tests from the Dollar Tree, so I went out and bought the brand name EPT...still only one line. One morning, I woke up and there was no longer a need to take a test. I was sooo relieved that I was not prego, but then almost simultaneously came the feeling of disappointment. I was sad and relieved at the same time. I still do not understand how I could be sad at the loss of something that never even existed, yet I know what I felt.
I experienced that dual feeling again today. Jonah's doctor called with all of his lab results. Everything they tested came back normal. That is great news, hence the feeling of relief. There were no masses, obstructions, or signs of celiac present. However, it also means that we still do not know what is making him so sick or what will make him better. I am disappointed that I still do not have any answers for my child.
I know that it could be so much worse; but at the same time, it could be so much better. As a mother I only want what is best for my child and I refuse to believe that constant diarrhea and bleeding, peeling, itchy skin are the best that we can achieve. Next week he has visits with his pediatrician (pneumonia check), the allergist, and more bloodwork with the GI. There is one more thing that the GI wants to test. Unfortunately it has come to the point that we are going into this looking for relief, but preparing for disappointment.
It started out by me realizing that I was late. Not late as in late for work...but the other kind of late. I started calculating and figured that I was REALLY late, two weeks to be exact. My first thought was that I was going to have to eat the words that I wrote here. We were not trying to have a baby right now, in fact we were doing the opposite! I immediately tested and watched as only one line appeared. I checked every five minutes for an hour, but only one line ever appeared. This was my routine every morning for a week. I started to think that it was because I was using tests from the Dollar Tree, so I went out and bought the brand name EPT...still only one line. One morning, I woke up and there was no longer a need to take a test. I was sooo relieved that I was not prego, but then almost simultaneously came the feeling of disappointment. I was sad and relieved at the same time. I still do not understand how I could be sad at the loss of something that never even existed, yet I know what I felt.
I experienced that dual feeling again today. Jonah's doctor called with all of his lab results. Everything they tested came back normal. That is great news, hence the feeling of relief. There were no masses, obstructions, or signs of celiac present. However, it also means that we still do not know what is making him so sick or what will make him better. I am disappointed that I still do not have any answers for my child.
I know that it could be so much worse; but at the same time, it could be so much better. As a mother I only want what is best for my child and I refuse to believe that constant diarrhea and bleeding, peeling, itchy skin are the best that we can achieve. Next week he has visits with his pediatrician (pneumonia check), the allergist, and more bloodwork with the GI. There is one more thing that the GI wants to test. Unfortunately it has come to the point that we are going into this looking for relief, but preparing for disappointment.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Never Ending Day
Thursday was one of those days that just refused to end. It started out at 4:00 am when Joe and I had to finish prepping Jonah for his colonoscopy. The prep involved an enema and a two year old...I need not say more. We arrived at MUSC about 7:00 and got Jonah all registered and checked in. He was in a foul mood already (remember the enema?) and did not want ANYTHING to do with the nurses. They finally decided that I would sit on the bed an be rolled back with him into the operating room. Once there,I held him while they put him to sleep. I then left him and a little over an hour later, they brought him back out to us. Everything looked normal with only one exception, but they took several biopsies and should have the results early next week. We woke Jonah about an hour later and headed home.
On the way home, Dad called and said that my grandmother was in Walterboro hospital receiving blood and needed someone to sit with her and drive her home. I sent Joe on home with Jonah and I stayed with Granny. After I got Granny settled, I came home to Joe and Jonah snuggling on the couch. I went and got Noah and Micah from Mom's house and came back home to get supper for everyone. Jonah still had not moved since he had gotten home and Joe said that he was feeling a little warm. I gave him some Tylenol and started checking his temps. I watched as they continued to rise. At 101.9 I called the Dr. who had performed the endoscopy/colonoscopy only to be told that I needed to immediately get him to the closest ER and have a chest x-ray taken.
Joe stayed home with the boys while I went to the local ER with Jonah. The whole ride there I kept telling myself that this was just a precautionary measure, that surely nothing could be going wrong from his procedure that morning. When we arrived his temp was over 103. I knew at that point there was something really wrong, but when the Dr. came in and told me he had pneumonia, I was floored. I think I asked her if she was kidding or something like that. I was so tired at that point that I really don't even remember what I said, I just know that I was shocked. Whether it is anesthetic pneumonia or just pneumonia made worse by the anesthesia, we will likely never know.
They started him on antibiotics and I was able to bring him home that night about 11:30. He is responding well to the antibiotics, but I still have to give him Tylenol and Motrin round the clock to keep the fever at bay. He acts like he feels much better, he just gets tired more easily than before. Hopefully we will get good results from the Dr. next week and all of this will have been worth it.
On the way home, Dad called and said that my grandmother was in Walterboro hospital receiving blood and needed someone to sit with her and drive her home. I sent Joe on home with Jonah and I stayed with Granny. After I got Granny settled, I came home to Joe and Jonah snuggling on the couch. I went and got Noah and Micah from Mom's house and came back home to get supper for everyone. Jonah still had not moved since he had gotten home and Joe said that he was feeling a little warm. I gave him some Tylenol and started checking his temps. I watched as they continued to rise. At 101.9 I called the Dr. who had performed the endoscopy/colonoscopy only to be told that I needed to immediately get him to the closest ER and have a chest x-ray taken.
Joe stayed home with the boys while I went to the local ER with Jonah. The whole ride there I kept telling myself that this was just a precautionary measure, that surely nothing could be going wrong from his procedure that morning. When we arrived his temp was over 103. I knew at that point there was something really wrong, but when the Dr. came in and told me he had pneumonia, I was floored. I think I asked her if she was kidding or something like that. I was so tired at that point that I really don't even remember what I said, I just know that I was shocked. Whether it is anesthetic pneumonia or just pneumonia made worse by the anesthesia, we will likely never know.
They started him on antibiotics and I was able to bring him home that night about 11:30. He is responding well to the antibiotics, but I still have to give him Tylenol and Motrin round the clock to keep the fever at bay. He acts like he feels much better, he just gets tired more easily than before. Hopefully we will get good results from the Dr. next week and all of this will have been worth it.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Still doing well in school and reading like a champ. He has learned to mark his long and short vowels and is practicing his phonics rules daily. Last Sunday in church, he opened the pew bible and looked over at me with amazement...he said, "Mom, somebody already marked all the vowels in here!" He could not believe that even "old" people still needed help with pronunciation.Jonah
Quite the active little boy. Just this morning I caught him sitting atop the quilt rack. Before I could even say anything he said, "How did I do that? And I know better too!" Really what else is there to do at that point but laugh? He is still having some tummy issues so he is going in Thursday to have another endoscopy and colonoscopy. Hopefully we get some answers this time around.Micah
Bottle free and doing great. He stopped nursing during the day about a week before his birthday and last week he gave up the bottle during the day and gave up nursing at night. He has only woken once a night for the past few nights and went right back to sleep with just a little cuddling. The next step will be getting him in his crib all night.Joe
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. I'm not complaining, just stating the facts. Fortunately when he is not working he is home loving us with all that he has. What more could I ask for?Denise
Not pregnant. Not nursing. Not pumping. It has been a while since I have just been me. This is going to take some getting used to, but I think I am looking forward to it.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
One morning this week, Jonah climbed into bed with me after Joe left for work. I let him snuggle up to my side and I fell back asleep. It wasn't but a few minutes later that he nudged me awake with a question..."Mommy, what you growlin' at?"
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I know I said that I would never let Noah play soccer again, but I have relented. He is playing this year and seems to be doing much better than he did two years ago.

Even though he is playing much better, that did not stop this little girl from beating the pants off of him last Saturday! If you get a chance over the next few weeks, come on out and see him play. All of the games are held on the soccer field directly behind the new Reid's in Hampton.
March 6th at 12:00
March 13th at 9:00 am
March 20th at 9:00 am
First Fruits
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