Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shoe Box Ministry

Our church is participating in the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child shoe box ministry. As a family, we decided to do two boxes, one for a boy and one for a girl. We have been purchasing items for a week or so and Monday during the little ones' nap time, Noah and I wrapped and packed the boxes.
After we were finished he and I joined hands and prayed for the recipients of the boxes. I said a general prayer asking that the children who received our box would feel God's love and then let Noah say a prayer. Noah's prayer was a lot longer and a lot more specific. Just a few of his requests were that his box would be received by a boy exactly his age who loved Hot Wheels cars, had never had a magnifying glass before, had always wanted a fishing game, and really liked the color orange. I am sure there were more specifications, but I can't quite remember them all.
When Noah was finished praying, I asked him if he thought he was limiting God by making all of those requests. Of course he responded by asking what it meant to limit God. I tried to explain to him that it would be difficult to find a little boy that was exactly like he prayed. I gave him an example of how it is easy for me to make him a sandwich, but if he requests twenty different things on that sandwich, he may not get it because that would be much harder for me to make.
Then he said something that blew me away...

But I'm not asking you to do it, I'm asking God.

Wow! I was reminded by my five year old that I serve a God that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. My God is able to meet all of Noah's criteria. He can fulfill all of Noah's requests and I pray that He will. I serve a God who is limit-LESS.
If you ask Noah what omnipotence means there is no telling what he will come up with, but his grasp of the concept behind the word is far better than I will ever be able to wrap my mind around. I have a feeling that I am never going to be able to teach my children anywhere near what they can teach me!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

from the mouth of babes