Now we have our personal box, a jagged post where our business box used to be, and our shopper box.

I called the post office to ask if maybe the mail man had anything to do with it and was told that no, he did not break my 4X4 post in half but had noticed it on his route Wednesday afternoon. I was told that I needed to contact the sheriff's office since tampering with a mail box is a federal crime. I was hesitant to call it in because my last call to 9-1-1 really did not turn out so well. Anyway, upon calling the sheriff a dispatcher took down my name and number and said that a deputy would be in contact. When the deputy called me he said that there was no-one available to come out to look at the damage, so he was going to just get my information over the phone.
Please allow me to stop here and have a little rant....Why on earth is it that when I am the one calling in about a crime I have to give not only my full name and date of birth, but my DL number, SS number, hair color, eye color, height, and WEIGHT!!! Come on, shouldn't they be more worried about getting that information from the person who committed the crime instead of the person reporting the crime?
After getting all of my information, the deputy called back with a case number. I'm not really sure what to do with the case number...but I have one for when I figure it out. Yesterday, Joe and the mail man were discussing the mail box and reached the conclusion that the trash man must have backed into the post Wednesday morning when he turned around in my driveway. They had a whole list of what I would consider circumstantial evidence at best, but insisted that I call the trash company and ask if they had demolished my mail box. If you can remember back to last November, my last call to the trash company did not end well either.
I called the trash company and found out that the regular driver is no longer with the company and they had a different guy driving the truck on Wednesday. we are getting somewhere! I asked to speak with the Wednesday driver to see if he remembered anything in particular about my house (such as a loud thump or crash) and was told that the driver on Wednesday was actually the OWNER of the company and was not available to talk. The person I spoke with promised to investigate further and get back to me but so far I have heard nothing, and I really don't expect to hear anything.
No other mail boxes in the area were reported to be vandalized. This even has Noah stumped. He keeps coming up with ideas of what happened but then proving them wrong! Any ideas on what could have happened?
Based on your experience with the trash guys,good luck with getting a new box. At least you can believe it was accidental now and not vandalism.
It was the aliens!
I think around here they are called martians!
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