Thursday, August 13, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Our bed plan for the boys is still on track. Another milestone has been accomplished...Jonah has been sleeping in his big boy bed (the bottom bunk) for over a week now. He thinks it is great and when he gets tired, he will say "night-night" and go climb in himself!
Unfortunately, we are still in need of some protective head gear. Not only does Jonah like sleeping in the bottom bunk, he also can climb all the way to the top bunk by himself. That in itself is not really a is the getting down that he has a problem with.
Noah is still sleeping in his top bunk every night and is excited to be sharing a room with Jonah. We will see how long it takes before the excitement wears off and he is drawing a line down the middle of the room with masking tape.
Micah will be transitioning to the crib this week. Hopefully he will sleep better in there. The past couple of weeks he has been waking up at least twice a night to nurse. Not good since I had gotten used to him sleeping all night....I don't like going backwards!


**Hannah** said...

Hey, Denise! I have enjoyed reading your blog. We have tried just about every thing possible when it comes to sleep. My older ones have shared bunk beds before moving here. Our old house had only 2 bedrooms (thank God they were huge) and we had 3 kids at the time, so it was tricky. Glad that yours is working! As far as the sleeping through the night thing, I can offer no advice, only to say, I'm right there with ya! My littlest guy is just now starting to make it til 5ish.

Melissa said...

Maybe Micah is just going through a growth spurt?

Where is Micah sleeping now? Your bed?

Denise said...

Micah is in a bassinet(sp?) in our room but is not sleeping well. I thought he may be feeling cramped, so we tried the crib last better. I don't know what the problem is.
Why are you online...shouldn't you be out having a baby??

butterbean_girl said...

CJ slept in the big girl bed and in the big girl room Saturday and Sunday night. I've been talking about it with her for a while now and after her bath Sat. night she said she wanted to go in the big girl room. So I got her ready for bed in there and laid her down. Well, she cried. So Scott laid down with her for a few minutes and she was asleep. She slept all night and woke up Sun. morning at 7:30 and was happy. Same thing Sun. night. I'm very happy, proud, and relieved that it went so well. I was concerned that moving her to a new bed and a new room at the same time would be too much but everything seems to be ok. Just hoping that it will continue to go well.
As far as Micha, well I think that babies get in routines and schedules pretty quickly. So as a mommy myself I try to be consistent with everything. When CJ was about Micah's age she started waking up in the middle of the night for some reason. For a few nights I picked her up and rocked her back to sleep because I thought maybe something was wrong. Then I realized nothing was wrong she just did it one night, I responded, and so she did it again and again. Finally I let her just cry for a few minutes, as long it was just one of "those" cries and she got to where she would go right back to sleep without being picked up. Within a few nights she was back to normal. She wakes up sometimes now (when she was in the crib) and I think she may have been having a bad dream and or teething because it was a different kind of cry. One of us gets up with her for that, but it's only once in a while that happens now.
All babies and parents are different though, aren't they!?