Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Most of you know that my brother Tj is a marine stationed in San Angelo, TX. My Mom is very proud of him and has this bumper sticker on her car that says, "My son is a marine." Those of you who have siblings know about brother/sister rivalry, and understand why I can't help but be a little irritated by this. Not that the sticker bothers me, I am proud of my brother as well. What I am bothered by is the fact that there is no sticker displaying how proud she is of me! I was going to buy her one for Christmas, but I looked around and could not find one that suited my needs. I had several in mind such as, "My daughter is a college graduate" or "My daughter gave birth to my two grandsons". We could even change that to "three grandsons" in March. However, my personal favorite is "Proud Mom of a SAHM!" If anyone knows where I could find these or have one made please let me know. It only has to be a couple inches bigger than the current marine sticker that is displayed.
Enough of that, I really am proud of my brother and it is great to have him home with Holly this year for Christmas. Today they took Noah with them to visit Paris Island, the base where Tj attended boot camp. Noah said he had a lot of fun and I'm sure Tj drilled it into his head the whole time how great the marines are. However, somehow Noah must have gotten something twisted because as I type this he is marching around the house chanting "Ar-my, Ar-my, Ar-my" and trying to convince Jonah to join him. My brother is going to be mortified to know that after spending an entire day on a marine corp base with him, his nephew has come home to cheer for the Army. That thought puts a smile on my face and is almost enough to make up for the bumper sticker thing. Some say this is jealousy talking, I say it is sweet revenge. Ha Ha Ha!


Melissa said...

Paris Island--that is where I was born! :) CRACKS ME UP about Noah chanting "Army" over and over. I'll have to tell my dad that one.

butterbean_girl said...

Signs Plus, Hendersonville Hwy. :-)

Holly and Tj said...

I too sometimes suffer from 'jealousy.' It can damage a girl's ego when her husband constantly gets more attention than she does!
My satisfaction comes when Tj has to go run 3 miles at 4 in the morning and it is only 25 degrees, when he has to pee in a cup with another man watching, or when he has to stand in formation for an hour or more in extreme weather!