Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone! This year I wrote my first ever Christmas letter to go out in our Christmas cards and thought I would post it on here in case I did not get a card out to any of you.

A new year in a new home with a new baby. Sort of like starting over again! Noah turned four and began questioning everything. Along with an active imagination, he also developed a very inquisitive mind.
Not much time for romance on Valentines day, but certainly a lot of love. Noah joined a soccer team and scored his first official goal ever. At nearly four months old, Jonah finally slept for an eight hour stretch.
Soccer was over and Easter was upon us. We accidentally discovered Jonah's soy allergy the night before Easter. This was our first time ever to miss Easter services.
Our fifth anniversary. We spent most of this month outdoors, enjoying the spring weather and picking wild blackberries.
A busy month indeed. Jonah experienced his first tooth and trip to the beach, Noah visited the Strawberry barn, Joe celebrated his 32nd birthday, Joe and Noah attended the NASCAR Sprint All-Star race in Charlotte, and I baked my first ever blackberry pie. At the end of this month, due to rising fuel costs, we decided to temporarily shut down Little Joe's Trucking and he went to work for a logging company.
This month brought Bible School, fishing, and picnics. It also brought my 30th birthday. My twenties gave me the most amazing things in my life, my husband and two boys. I was sad to see them go, but excited to see what my thirties would have in store.
It did not take long to start getting great things in my thirties. We found out on July 1st that we were going to have another baby. July 4th at the river was great as usual, and the boys won 1st place in the parade. Another Bible School rounded out the month.
Noah started four year old kindergarten at home and finished up his swimming lessons. Jonah gave up his passy and finally started to crawl. Joe and I made the decision that after three months, it was time to go back to Little Joe's Trucking so the end of this month was his last day at the logging company.
Little Joe's Trucking was up and running, making life busier for us all. However, we did manage to fit in some accidental mud bogging, a car/deer collision and a trip to the fall festival at Bonnie Doone Plantation. We also found out that our newest little one is a boy!
Jonah turned one the end of this month. We took the boys to visit the pumpkin patch, our church harvest fun day, and of course trick-or-treating. Noah was a fireman this year and Jonah was a pumpin.
Sickness hit us this month. It seems as soon as one of us got well another would come down with something else. We had a great Thanksgiving. Thankful for all the things God has blessed us with, especially His Son Jesus Christ.
Another year almost over. My ankles are swelling, my back is hurting from carrying Jonah, my ears are burning from listening to Noah's constant chatter, and my voice is wearing out from telling Joe to take off his greasy clothes before sitting on the couch. But to tell you the truth, I am loving every minute of it all.

The other day in town, a lady said to me, "It looks like your life is about as full as you can handle." I agreed with her at the time, but after thinking about it, I can't disagree more. I never want us to see our family as full. I always want to have more room for the blessings that God has in store for us, however surprising they may be. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas! May you always be open to the surprises God brings your way this new year.

Joe, Denise, Noah, Jonah, and Baby Givens

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