Noah and I went to DC the first part of last week. It was a very quick trip and we packed in as much as possible. It was a great time for both of us and gave us some much needed one on one time with each other. We learned new things, saw new sights, and made lots of memories....but those were not the reasons we took this trip.
The world that my children live in is really small. I'm not sure if it is because we are a homeschooling family, a small business owning family, a living in the woods family, or a combination of all three. Part of that is by design. I want to protect them from all of the bad in the world and allow them to be innocent children for as long as possible. On the other hand, I do not want them to believe that their lives have to always revolve around back-woods living and trucking. I want them to know that there is a whole 'nother world out there just waiting for them to explore when they are properly equipped to deal with it. There are wonderful parts to this wicked world that we live in and it is okay to dream about experiencing them.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I want them to dream of "more". Personally I do not think there is anything "more" that I could add to the life that we have chosen to make me any happier. I just want them to know that it is okay to desire "different".
While we were in DC Noah saw many things that amazed him. At one point he turned to me and asked if we could live there. I explained to him that no, we could not live there because my home was with his Daddy back in SC. He thought about that for a while and then said, well do you think that maybe when I grow up someday I could live here?
Mission Accomplished.
That is one of the things I am so grateful to my parent for, not setting limits for us. My daddy always told me I could do anything I put my mind to. Every time I set forth on a new journey in my life, I recall those encouraging words.
There are so many children who have limits set upon them by their parents. There are probably many people in "society" that think you are hindering your children by home schooling, I completely disagree. I had no greater teacher than my mom, and your children are fortunate that you are an advocate of their education.
Kudos! If more parents took such interest in their children as You and Joe, and Leslie and Preston, the world might turn out to be a better place.
Michelle, are you sure you and Denise somehow are really sisters and we didn't find out about this!!!
I so much agree with both of you and I am learning so much more as a Grammy that I wish I had known when you all were growing up. If we were allowed "do overs" I would homeschool in a heartbeat. The bond you have with your children really is a gift from God!
love you both!
I totally wish I could homeschool unfortunately our life isnt allowing us to do that! Michaela did homeschool with Hunter for one year and her grades and levels were on par. She has done well in public school however I do believe she could excel farther along with jp if we were able to do more one on one with them! Zack well he is catching on quicker than I can handle! If your child at 3 can work your phone, computer and other gadgets better than the parent there is complications! Great Job Denise!
Debbie, I admire the way you and Bruce are raising your children. Homeschool works for us, but it certainly isn't for everyone, and may not always be for us. We take things one day at a time here!
I feel ya on the three year old working the computer and phone...are they born knowing these things? I think we are in for the ride of our lives!
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