Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Okay, I know that pride cometh before a fall, but I just have to brag on two of my guys a little bit.

First Joe.  I recently posted about some of the events that have transpired since our fire in January.  Joe and I have gotten all sorts of advice as to how to handle the situation, most of the advice being along the lines of suing and getting "everything you can get."  Joe and I were never comfortable with that idea, yet we knew that we needed to recoup our losses somehow.  The very same day that I posted the fire update on my blog, I was contacted by the property owners next door.  They wanted access to our property to take pictures and examine the damage for themselves.  I let them in the gate and they looked over everything.  They wanted to speak with Joe directly so that evening when he got off of work we went over and met with them.
To make a long story short, Joe told them that he was willing to work together to get things fixed and that we were not out to ruin anyone over an accident.  I was so proud of the way my husband let go of his pride and was able to calmly deal with the situation.  I do believe that God worked in their hearts as well as ours so that we could resolve this issue.  We worked out an agreement that is suitable for everyone and the repairs should start the end of April.  I think the most important outcome is that Joe and I walked away with a clear conscience and feeling that our Christian testimony was still intact.

Now on to the second guy that I am going to brag on.  We ran out of diapers Sunday and Jonah has taken to wearing big boy underwear like a champ!  He has only had two accidents and we are already on day four!  We ended up putting Micah back in diapers yesterday because he just is not quite ready, but Jonah is on a roll.  I am so proud of my big boy for finally getting out of diapers!

So there you go.  That is what I have to be proud of today.  I hope that tomorrow the neighbors do not back out of their agreement and Jonah does not go back to peeing in his pants.  Just maybe this one time, a fall will not follow my pride!


Holly and Tj said...

You have good guys! I am proud of them too! Hoe everything keeps going so well! Love you!

Melissa said...

How do you run out of diapers? CLOTH! ???

Denise said...

We still had cloth diapers, but we "ran out" so that he would actually put on a pair of underwear. We had been working up to this day for a long time! So far so good, he is even staying dry through the night.