Granny Faye has had a rough few months. During the period from Thanksgiving to Christmas, I think she had eight hospital stays. After the New Year, she finally got out of the hospital and stayed down at the beach with Aunt Jeanine for a few weeks. Anyone who knows Granny understands how much she dislikes the beach, but she knew that she needed to be with someone since she was not able to completely take care of herself anymore. As much as she understood that she needed help, she still wanted to come home. Sooooo, Wednesday afternoon Granny got to come home...sort of.
Granny is splitting her time here with us and her own home. She comes here every evening and has supper here, watches the kids play for a while and spends the night in the room we have set up for her. She gets up in the morning, has her cup of coffee and goes home to her house about mid-morning. She is at her house for most of the day, having friends over or going out for lunch and then she returns here about five that evening to repeat the process over again. She is enjoying her freedom while at the same time still being taken care of and having a sense of security at night.
So far it has been going well. It is definitely a bit more difficult than I imagined it to be, (mainly the cooking without salt and meeting her dietary needs) but we are all adjusting well. The kids are loving the fact that she is here and I love the fact that my kids get to enjoy their Great-Grandmother. She certainly keeps things interesting!
I am grateful for this time that we get to have with her. I am also more than grateful for a husband who has accepted my grandmother as part of his life and loves her just as much as we do. Joe has supported Granny being here from the very first time it was mentioned and indulges her crazy whims just as much as he does mine. I am praying that we can continue to care for Granny while still allowing her the freedom to enjoy her life on her own for a long time.
What a blessing! How about all those nights you or TJ spent the night with her and now to have her spending the night with you! Funny how things work out. She still looks great with that lipstick!
Marsha, I took her shopping Friday morning and some stranger came up to her and said, "You are the prettiest lady I have ever laid eyes on!" That happens all the time when I take her anywhere. She still believes in having every hair in place, "earbobs" dangling, and lipstick perfect any time we go out.
I am so privileged to be a part of her life, she has been "Moma" to me for many years and will continue to be. I know we all laugh and pick, but there is a wealth of wisdom in that head of hers. I love her so much!
Glad she is being taken care of but not being stopped from living her life as she wants to! We love all of you!
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