Saturday, June 19, 2010

VBS Round 1

The boys finished up with the first VBS of the summer last night. They had a great time as usual but this post is about me. I thoroughly enjoyed myself at this VBS. Since Micah was to young to go into a class, I sat in the nursery with him. I was able to fellowship with two other Christian mothers each night as we watched our little ones play.
One of the ladies was a childhood friend and it was so nice to get to spend time gabbing one on one with her. The other lady and I had never met, but I was amazed at how much we had in common. My hubby said that when I came in Wednesday night I was beaming like a five year old on her first day of Kindergarten because I had made a "new friend"!
This week really made me realize how much I have missed fellowship with other young Christian women. (Yes, I still consider myself young.) I get so busy in my day to day roles of being a wife and mother that it is easy to forget about being me. Seeing other women walking the same path that I am on reaffirms my convictions and makes me stronger. There are others out there doing what I do every day and they are surviving...that means I can too!
Anyway, this was my favorite VBS ever. I made a new friend and got reacquainted with an old one. I can't wait to see what our next VBS has in store!!!


butterbean_girl said...

I enjoyed myself very much too! It was nice to sit and talk and watch the little ones play. Right back at ya on everything you said in your post.

Melissa said...

I hear ya. I love spending time with other moms as we watch our kids play. It's a nice "club" to be a part of!