Noah's words telling my grandmother how he named the cat...
I named it Oliver James Givens. Oliver 'cause it reminds me of the cat Grammy used to have, James 'cause I want to name it after Pa, and Givens 'cause that makes us a family. We are just going to call it Oliver, but when it is bad and we have to yell we can call it Oliver James Givens.
Oh what a glimpse into our lives that gives. Unfortunately the boys know their full names all too well! I have a feeling this cat will learn her full name just as quickly. The crazy cat runs inside every time the door is open. Do you have any idea how hard it is to coerce a toddler to come in the door and kick nudge a cat out the door at the same time?
Only she is a lot smaller than Oliver. He was one big cat!
What a cute kitty!
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