Monday, August 24, 2009

Adult Sunday School

Yesterday I was privileged to speak in one of the adult Sunday School classes. I have to admit I was very nervous...that is until Noah loosened me up with conversation on the way to church.

Noah: Momma, are you teaching today?
Me: Yep.
Noah: Will you be teaching my class?
Me: No, Mrs. Jenny will be teaching your class.
Noah: Then who will you be teaching?
Me: The adult class.
Noah: ADULTS!!! Don't they know it by now?


**TRACY** said...

LOL! That is too funny! I have really enjoyed reading all the funny things he says - sounds like he's a real character!

Holly and Tj said...

that's funny!

Melissa said...

Hilarious!! Yep, we still need to be reminded, even as adults. :)