Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Thank you God for:

Two healthy boys who are just a little bit spoiled
A husband with a tender heart
The new life growing inside me
Rubber gloves, so I don't have to touch the icky turkey
My family, immediate and extended
A warm fireplace
Real Christmas trees
A new (free) trashcan
Friends, old and new
Sugar free dark chocolate

These are just a few of the big and small things I am full of thanks for today. Joe said he was most thankful for me. How sweet was that? Noah says he is most thankful for his friends, except the ones that don't listen to him. (We are working on that one!) What are you thankful for today?


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for so many of the same things! I am so grateful for my biggest blessing, my sweet Emmie, even if she is a LOT spoiled! I am thankful for the things that often get on my nerves(dirty laundry, dishes,my husband!) becasue I have them to complain about! LOL Hope you guys had a great holiday- we did! Love ya!

Melissa said...

I am thankful for a brother who still looks out for his little sister. :)

grammyjoan said...

Loved your list.