Monday, November 10, 2008


I'm not really doing very well with this blogging thing lately. It is not like I have been extremely busy or even that there is nothing worth blogging about, I just can't seem to get myself in the mood. I feel that way about a lot of things these days. I could blame it on pregnancy hormones, but I think it is just a streak of laziness. Anyway, maybe I will snap out of it is driving me crazy!
In other news, Jonah has started walking. He started taking a few steps on Halloween, and has been taking a few more every day since. He is getting really good at walking, however he still will not walk on demand. I try to get him to walk for other people and he just flops down on the floor and makes me look like a complete idiot. He only really takes off walking when he thinks no one is watching. I'm beginning to believe that he may have a slight case of stage fright.

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