Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dr. Seuss

This weekend we spent time doing something none of us had ever done before.  We attended the reenactment of the Battle for Broxton Bridge.  It was a two day field trip that had been planned for over a month.  The boys and I went Friday morning and spent about five hours touring the campsites of Civil War soldiers, a chapel, post office, hospital, blacksmith shop, and learning all about artillery used during the War Between the States.

Saturday we brought Joe along for the actual reenactment of the battle and both sets of my parents joined us for the afternoon.

Let me explain...there is a reason my kids look like they are going out in a hunting party.  The guns of course were souvenirs and don't actually shoot!  When we are in large crowds I find it is easier to dress them all in the same color so that I can easily spot them (especially when I am by myself with four rambunctious boys).  The preferred color used to be red, but it was too common and was getting confusing.  I really wanted to put them in pink, but they rebelled, so we compromised on orange.  I figured Joe was distinctive enough on his own that I would not need to put him in orange to find him....but since he still has his winter beard, and seeing all of these soldiers, I think I should have color coded him too!

See what I mean!
The battle was interesting.  We had never seen anything like that.  The boys of course loved all of the cannons, loud guns, and horses.

 I personally was fascinated by the way the ladies were dressed.  However, I am so thankful that I was not born during that time period.  I am pretty sure I would have been a rebel too....but in an entirely different sense!

So...what does all of this have to do with Dr. Seuss?  Yesterday was the birthday of Dr. Seuss, a favorite author around here. We could not celebrate then because of our planned field trip.  So today (a day late) we had a Dr. Seuss party.  Ham and spinach quiche served as our "green eggs and ham" and most of my crew tore into it.  Micah however has a bug so he didn't even get a taste.  He did manage however to sit up long enough for me to read him some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books.
So there you have it.  Our fun filled weekend of battles and birthday parties.
Happy Belated Birthday Dr. Seuss!

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