Saturday, August 6, 2011


It was past time for haircuts at my house.  I dread haircuts....especially with Jonah.  We either have to take him out to a shop and run the risk of rude questions being asked about his skin, or cut his hair ourselves.  I am NOT a good barber.  You can ask any of my college roommates who I happened to practice on many years ago and they will verify my claim.  I fear I have not gotten any better as time as passed.
So that means that Joe is the official hair cutter around here.  This time around when he went to cut Jonah's hair, Jonah got upset and would not sit still for Joe to even make the first cut.  I could tell Joe was getting frustrated and so I asked Jonah what the problem was.  I knew he could not be scared of the scissors since this is certainly not the first time he has had Joe cut his hair.  Jonah responded with;
"I'm worried what it will look like when he gets done!"
I guess I am not the only one in this house lacking skills as a barber!!!!

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