Still doing well in school and reading like a champ. He has learned to mark his long and short vowels and is practicing his phonics rules daily. Last Sunday in church, he opened the pew bible and looked over at me with amazement...he said, "Mom, somebody already marked all the vowels in here!" He could not believe that even "old" people still needed help with pronunciation.Jonah
Quite the active little boy. Just this morning I caught him sitting atop the quilt rack. Before I could even say anything he said, "How did I do that? And I know better too!" Really what else is there to do at that point but laugh? He is still having some tummy issues so he is going in Thursday to have another endoscopy and colonoscopy. Hopefully we get some answers this time around.Micah
Bottle free and doing great. He stopped nursing during the day about a week before his birthday and last week he gave up the bottle during the day and gave up nursing at night. He has only woken once a night for the past few nights and went right back to sleep with just a little cuddling. The next step will be getting him in his crib all night.Joe
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. I'm not complaining, just stating the facts. Fortunately when he is not working he is home loving us with all that he has. What more could I ask for?Denise
Not pregnant. Not nursing. Not pumping. It has been a while since I have just been me. This is going to take some getting used to, but I think I am looking forward to it.
Thanks for the update! Poor little Jonah! I'll be praying for you Thursday!!
I like! Good luck being you, I think you will be pretty good at it!
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