Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Never Ending Day

Thursday was one of those days that just refused to end. It started out at 4:00 am when Joe and I had to finish prepping Jonah for his colonoscopy. The prep involved an enema and a two year old...I need not say more. We arrived at MUSC about 7:00 and got Jonah all registered and checked in. He was in a foul mood already (remember the enema?) and did not want ANYTHING to do with the nurses. They finally decided that I would sit on the bed an be rolled back with him into the operating room. Once there,I held him while they put him to sleep. I then left him and a little over an hour later, they brought him back out to us. Everything looked normal with only one exception, but they took several biopsies and should have the results early next week. We woke Jonah about an hour later and headed home.
On the way home, Dad called and said that my grandmother was in Walterboro hospital receiving blood and needed someone to sit with her and drive her home. I sent Joe on home with Jonah and I stayed with Granny. After I got Granny settled, I came home to Joe and Jonah snuggling on the couch. I went and got Noah and Micah from Mom's house and came back home to get supper for everyone. Jonah still had not moved since he had gotten home and Joe said that he was feeling a little warm. I gave him some Tylenol and started checking his temps. I watched as they continued to rise. At 101.9 I called the Dr. who had performed the endoscopy/colonoscopy only to be told that I needed to immediately get him to the closest ER and have a chest x-ray taken.
Joe stayed home with the boys while I went to the local ER with Jonah. The whole ride there I kept telling myself that this was just a precautionary measure, that surely nothing could be going wrong from his procedure that morning. When we arrived his temp was over 103. I knew at that point there was something really wrong, but when the Dr. came in and told me he had pneumonia, I was floored. I think I asked her if she was kidding or something like that. I was so tired at that point that I really don't even remember what I said, I just know that I was shocked. Whether it is anesthetic pneumonia or just pneumonia made worse by the anesthesia, we will likely never know.
They started him on antibiotics and I was able to bring him home that night about 11:30. He is responding well to the antibiotics, but I still have to give him Tylenol and Motrin round the clock to keep the fever at bay. He acts like he feels much better, he just gets tired more easily than before. Hopefully we will get good results from the Dr. next week and all of this will have been worth it.


butterbean_girl said...

Hang in there. You're a great mom. And Joe is a great dad!

Melissa said...

Poor little guy. Hope he gets to feeling better soon.