I knew when I went to bed last night that I didn't feel quite right. When I got up this morning, I could barely swallow. Since Jonah was still sounding a bit congested, we both went to see the doctor. Jonah has an upper respiratory infection and I have strep throat. I hope this is the end of sickness for a while and it does not get passed to the rest of the house.
When we got out to the car after getting our prescriptions filled, Jonah decided he could wait no longer for a meal. Usually when we are around town I nurse him in the front seat of the car. Today there was a lady in a wheelchair blocking my way to the driver's door. Instead of waiting for her to move I simply got into the back seat and proceeded to nurse Jonah. While I was back there I kept wondering why I never nursed him there before. It is much more private and there is even more room. When he was finished, I buckled him into his car seat and went to open the door to get out. This is the point where I remembered that my back doors are equipped with child locks. When the child locks are activated the back doors will not open from the inside. Here I was, locked in the back seat of my Expedition. I had two options. I could beat on the window until a passer-by opened my door from the outside or climb over the front seat. I immediately decided to climb over the seat since the other would be entirely too embarrassing. About halfway through my climb I realized that the last time I had climbed over a seat was probably ten years, two children, and about fifty pounds ago. Somehow I ended up wedged in the front seat with my back/butt to the steering wheel. Every time I tried to move, I ended up blowing the horn. After much squirming, several lengthy horn blows, and more strange looks than I can count, I finally got myself turned around. In comparison, I think my other option would have been much less embarrassing!
I see that you still get in awkward positions with lots of funny stories to tell. LOL That is hilarious. We used to have an Expedition too. We traded it in for a Vibe--I know, big difference. We were sick of paying so much for gas!
So will you be nursing in the front seat or turning the child locks off? ha!
I tried turning the child locks off but somehow they keep resetting themselves. Can't figure it out. Anyway, I'm never getting in the back seat again!
And I thought you were mortified when I simply turned my caution mail service light at Wal-Mart while you were in the car when you were a teenager!!!!!
This Is Aunt Rita, Boy You Have Taken After Me More Than I Thought. Love Aunt Rita
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