Tuesday, March 30, 2010


And yet another genius moment from Noah! Okay, so maybe he is not genius, but he just thinks so differently than I do. It amazes me how his mind works. I challenged him in the car with four items and he had to tell me which one did not belong. The items were: peaches, potatoes, carrots, and peanuts. Of course the answer I was looking for was carrots. It starts with a "C" whereas the others start with a "P". Noah's answer? PEACHES!!! I was almost afraid to ask why, but I did it anyway.
Potatoes, carrots, and peanuts all grow under the ground. Peaches grow on a tree.


grammyjoan said...

Now that's thinking outside of the box!

Melissa said...

what a smarty pants. you are going to be in trouble....or maybe you already are!

Holly and Tj said...

lol sounds like his Uncle Tj to me!!

Holly and Tj said...

I just read this to Tj and he said EXACTLY the same thing Noah did! TOO FUNNY!!!!