Saturday, January 25, 2014


I am a list maker.  Nothing satisfies me more than starting the day by making a list (or sometimes I even do it the night before) and then using my pink highlighter to mark a line through each item cleaned, or packed, or cooked, or ordered, or mailed, or taught, or bought.....yes, I make that many lists!

Somewhere along the way though I have started keeping mental lists as well.  I realized today that I have been keeping an ongoing list in my head of the things that have gone wrong this week.  And it was getting to be quite a lengthy list!  A child having an allergic reaction, a wiring problem in my house, a busted cell phone, two MAJOR mechanical problems with two separate trucks, a truck driver wrecking into a huge tree....seriously I could keep going. 

However it dawned on me that while I am compiling this list of things that went wrong, I haven't once listed the things that went right.  I and my family woke up EVERY morning, I didn't fall down when I got out of bed, water came out of my faucet when I washed my face, I saw my reflection when I looked in the mirror, there was food in my pantry when I went to cook breakfast, my to do list was right where I had put it...once again, I could keep going. 

My list of what has gone right greatly outweighs the list of what has gone wrong.  So why do I do that?  Why do I focus on what has been wrong instead of right?  It is because I take things going right for granted .....and maybe having them go wrong every once in a while teaches me to not do that. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18   in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.


Unknown said...

Perfect scripture for your thoughts dear! Reminds me so much of David Ring's message when he says we let our circumstances cloud our vision of God to the point that we cannot see Him through them.

Denise said...

Thank you Mommy.