Thursday, May 17, 2012

Southern Boy

I found individual bags of Planters salted peanuts on an amazing sale this week at Walmart.  Of course you know I had to buy an entire case of them.  I was thinking that they would be great quick snacks for the boys and that Joe would be able to take them in his lunch. Jonah pulled out a pack of them this morning and wanted to know if he could have some of those "pecans" in that pack.  I opened the pack and told him he could have them but that they were not pecans, they were peanuts.  He tasted a few and then we proceeded to have this argument discussion:

"Momma you are wrong, those are pecans"

"No they aren't, they are peanuts."

"Just taste one Momma and you will see."

"Jonah, I have tasted them and I know that they are peanuts!"

"Nope.  Peanuts are supposed to be soft, and these are crunchy!"

"Jonah, these are not boiled peanuts, they are roasted.  They are supposed to be crunchy."

"Well why would anybody want that when they could have them boiled?"

Yes, I am raising a full fledged southern boy! 

Saturday, May 12, 2012


This post is a little different.  It is not about the funny things the boys do, or about my husband, or about Little Joe's Trucking.  It is all about me...and my hair...or lack thereof.

A couple months ago my hair started falling out.  At first I thought it was just the normal thinning that usually happens after I give birth.  I soon realized that there was nothing "normal" about this amount of hair loss.  I was loosing handfuls at a time.  Thinking that this was some type of hormone imbalance I went to see my OBGYN.  She checked me and said that she suspected a thyroid disorder and sent me to my family doctor.  My family doctor did blood tests to check for thyroid disease, lupus, and something else that I can't remember.  He was sure to tell me that these were just tests to rule out those things because he was pretty sure that I "just" had alopecia.  The next week he confirmed that all of my blood work came back normal (Thank God) and that he did indeed believe that I was dealing with alopecia totalis.

Basically what this means is that I am a perfectly healthy soon to be bald woman.  The bald doesn't bother me nearly as much when I put it in that context!  Over the past few weeks we have tried cutting my hair several times to reduce the appearance of the balding, but since my hair has never been really thick to begin with, the baldness is happening very quickly.

I still have a good bit of hair around the edges of the sides and at the nape of my neck.  The front and top is pretty much gone. Yesterday I finally got what hair I have left cut really really really really short.  I have never been that vain about my hair and I did not think it would bother me to be without it but I am coming to realize that the saying "It is only hair" is much easier to say when you have plenty of it.  I started crying when I was in the beautician's chair yesterday...over hair!!  How silly is that? 

Joe went with me to get my hair cut and has been such a good husband through all of this.  He saw how upset I was and asked me what I wanted to do.  The first thing that came to mind was to buy a wig, so that is what he took me to do.  I never thought that would be the route I would take, but I tried it yesterday.  I have to say that the "wig people" were incredibly kind and made the process actually fun.  Joe even hung in there the whole time!  I picked a wig as close to what my hair used to look like as possible, but my next one may be much different.  There are so many great options!

However with all of that said, I am getting more and more comfortable with the no hair version of myself and I may decide to not wear the wig at all, or maybe I will just wear my bandanna, or my hat, or maybe my hair will start to grow back (they did say that was a possibility).  The truth is I don't know what will happen as I get used to this new look so don't be surprised if you see me sporting long red spiral is still me under there!