Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We Are Having A Boy!

Boys are found everywhere -- on top of, underneath, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running around or jumping to. Mothers love them, little girls hate them, older sisters and brothers tolerate them, adults ignore them and Heaven protects them. A boy is Truth with dirt on its face, Beauty with a cut on its finger, Wisdom with bubble gum in its hair and the Hope of the future with a frog in its pocket. ~Alan Marshall Beck

I'm happy to announce that we are having boy number four!  A more detailed post will follow when I get my thoughts in order...but for now I will just let you know that we are thrilled that God is blessing us with another little boy to call our own.


butterbean_girl said...

Wow! Congratulations! You know, Scott's mom and dad had four boys and their fifth child was not only a surprise but also a GIRL!

Michelle Bryan said...

Love the quote!