Saturday, September 25, 2010

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Mommy

Our kids are usually really good about bed time and going to sleep when they are told.  However, there are always exceptions to the rule!  Last night after we put the boys to bed, Joe went on to our bed and I stayed up working on lesson plans for next week.  (Home school post to come soon.) 
Anyway, I was sitting in the front room and could hear through the monitor in our bedroom (that was sitting on the nightstand beside the bed that Joe was sleeping in) Noah calling for Daddy.  He must have called for him for about five minutes.  I did not answer because he was calling for Joe and Joe was sleeping (or pretending to).  After calling for Daddy for about five minutes and getting no response, Noah then utters "Mommy" just one time.  Before Noah has even finished saying the word, Joe calls out to me "Denise, Noah wants you!"
Ugh!  Now tell me, do you believe even for a minute that Joe slept through all of the cries for Daddy, and only heard the one cry for Mommy?  I didn't think so either!


Melissa said...

That is so funny! The same thing goes on over here, trust me!

Suzy Q. said...

Hahaha! That sounds SO familiar!!!

Tj and Holly said...